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Traevia t1_iutp2uq wrote

Congrats! This looks awesome. I literally have the exact opposite problem personally. My bone density was tested to be rediculously high to the point that I have ligament and tendon damage instead of bone damage.


Abishek_Muthian OP t1_iuunr33 wrote

I'm sorry that you have to face this. One of my goals with Bone Health Tracker is to raise awareness about all bone health diseases and to help build better treatments.

Your BMD report would be useful too, Consider using BHT.


centercounterdefense t1_iuwma56 wrote

Do you float?


Traevia t1_iuwrp0o wrote

Yes. The biggest thing about it is that I am much much more likely to damage ligaments and tendons instead of bone. This is actually considered far worse as bones heal way easier and with less long term issues.


centercounterdefense t1_iuwu9uc wrote

I hope it hasn't been too much of an issue for you. I've always wondered if I have some kind of bone density issue because I don't seem to be as buoyant as others, if that makes any sense.