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thespaff t1_ix9me34 wrote

This exact thing happened to me, same kind of age too, early 30s, bones of an 85 year old. This was about 10 years ago now. and I was just hunting around to see if i could find any new developments and found your post.

In my case the cause was found to be Hypercalciuria, my kidneys essentially reject calcium, so my body is caught in a cycle of not having enough calcium, leeching it from my bones, but then simultaneously peeing it all out, repeat.

No cause for this was found though, and there aren't any great treatments that i've found either- though Thiazides, which are usually used to control blood pressure, have the side effect that helps to counter-act it a little. Anyway, sharing in case that helps you on your own journey. <3


Abishek_Muthian OP t1_ixb67hd wrote

Thank you for taking the time to comment, I've gained more information about various possible causes through this thread than I did in all previous years.

My doc does say that my body is not absorbing Calcium but no effort was made to find why. I'm adding tests for Hypercalciuria to my list of tests to be made.

Thank you again!