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tdubthatsme t1_ivyi94p wrote

Okay I have a request for you sort of based off this that I have been looking for. Would it be possible to have an automatic Playlist that pulls all the songs I have not liked out of my daily mixes? I mostly use Spotify to find new music while driving, so I want l anything new (therefore not liked) on my daily mixes dragged into a new Playlist. Right now every morning I manually add a few dozen songs to queue by clicking through a couple.


mfurquim t1_ivzw427 wrote

I wanted to make this for so long!

I used IFTTT to add all musics on my discovering and radar to a playlist. But this does not exclude liked music. So I would still need to manually delete them.

Also, I really enjoy discovering new music based on what my friends are listening. On desktop app, on the right hand side, there's a list of friends with the music they are listening. I manually add them to my playlist.

Unfortunately, this information is not available on the API, just on the app.

But it's good to know I'm not alone here.


tdubthatsme t1_iw07vv1 wrote

The smarter playlist thing the other guy commented ended up working for me. Took a while to figure out though


mfurquim t1_iw2ie7o wrote

It worked for me as well. I played with it for an hour before I could do what I wanted.

The only thing that's missing is removing liked music from the stream before saving the playlist.

Awesome website!


tdubthatsme t1_iw2umee wrote

You can do that too, at least sort of. One option is saved tracks, which includes liked songs. You can also filter out your top tracks at least. The Playlist I built is doing both


mfurquim t1_iw9ovgm wrote

Oh, thank you!

I haven't though about using this to filter out the liked songs. I'll give it a try.


mfurquim t1_iwc04m5 wrote

Thank you, I just tried it and it works!

Here's the smarter playlist's program if you want to check it out.

There's a warning on the My Saved Tracks component: > This component may fail if you have a large number of saved tracks. Someday, this will be fixed.

I have 5801 liked songs and it worked for me in under a minute.


tdubthatsme t1_iwc25hk wrote

Interesting, mine works the same except I filter out by top tracks instead of adding them - my theory was that if I had played it multiple times and didn't like it, I probably didn't want to add it.


mfurquim t1_iwe8106 wrote

Yep, that makes sense. I will try mine for a few weeks but I'll keep an ear for musics playing over and over. If I notice the same music playing over the weeks I'll incorporate your idea 😁


Orcwin t1_ivzd1ti wrote

Why is it only an app? This seems like something that should work fine as a website.


Spotilicious OP t1_ivzetj1 wrote

Yes, it could easily have been a website app. Maybe it will be my next step...


Orcwin t1_ivzi8w0 wrote

I'd certainly be interested in it once it's in that format! I like the idea, but it's not something I'd use an app for.


2dadskissing t1_iw17tlu wrote

Came here to say exactly this. Excited to support the tool once it's not an app.


tiborviszneki t1_ivzr7vo wrote

That's a nice one! Have you checked this site?

They don't have filters but generally their recommendations are great! :D


dangle321 t1_iw03bfu wrote

I'm downloading but going to sleep. Sounds like a solid idea. I'll try to remember to give you any feedback. Thanks for sharing!


apaulsaid t1_ivzup68 wrote

This sounds great, downloading now!


hunkdingus69 t1_iw0ttdt wrote

I just fucking spent 3 days organizing all of my liked music into 8 different playlists. WHERE WERE YOU 3 WEEKS AGO

Thanks though this is dope


Spotilicious OP t1_iw17wye wrote

Wow.. This was also my story till I said I need to do something about that.

The good news is that from now on it will take you a few seconds. Thanks!!!


briand92 t1_iw2suvo wrote

Just installed and created a new playlist. This is fantastic! Thank you!


CoyerCo t1_iw1bdt6 wrote

I need something like this that recommends new music based on the same categories


life_like_weeds t1_iw1i3g7 wrote

You may already have this feature, I have not checked your service yet (on phone rn), but I have had an idea in my brain for a while that took my liked tracks and created randomized sub playlists from it. Or maybe just weekly randomized like tracks. Bonus points to create two randomized playlists of like tracks, one of everything and one that was kid friendly (no tracks with the explicit label)

I have thousands of liked tracks and I tend to just listen to the most recents. I don’t like turning on the randomize feature because it affects everything and I like to listen to albums in order.


Spotilicious OP t1_iw1mfd4 wrote

Hey You can solve your problem using my app in that way:

(On the Android app) : Every time you want to randomise your Liked songs without hurting the original, just hit the Shuffle button in the app - it will shuffle the music, then you can save the newly created playlist or isten to the results.

And if you use the ios app version of Spotilicious, just start with the Liked songs as your baseline and then filter by any of the filters and save the newly created playlist It will be saved on Spotify. Then Shuffle that playlist on Spotify- since it is a different playlist you will not hurt the original


life_like_weeds t1_iw1np2y wrote

Awesome! I’ll give it a shot tomorrow. Thanks for the reply and tips


life_like_weeds t1_iwdwv3b wrote

Finally getting around to checking out your app (I wish it was a website, not an app), having some strange experiences. First off, I was prompted for my iPhone PIN, which no app should ever be doing. I skipped that step and got into the app, cloned my liked tracks as you described (UI was a little laggy, I ended up getting 2 copies of that playlist), but I'm not seeing any way to randomize the newly created playlist. What did you mean by that?


MPRESive2 t1_iw0akyx wrote

Does it reduce the amount of commercials for the free service?


[deleted] t1_iw1sccx wrote

Spotify sucks and blows simultaneously... over commercialized garbage.
