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cookiebook t1_iwyynwb wrote

London of this would be amazing.


Mudfap t1_iwzqzin wrote

Holy crap. This is fantastic. Found my house and it’s like transporting through time and space. Felt immediately wistful.


sincethenes t1_iwzr5zg wrote

I’m sure someone can count them


yasuewho t1_iwzvcgi wrote

I visited my brother's last apartment. I miss him so much.


judenoelle t1_iwzykoh wrote

Absolutely amazing -- thanks for sharing!


Sil369 t1_ix0fdvy wrote

just imagine what google street view is archiving now. 20 years from now we will be using it to see the streets/buildings from today.


zenstain t1_ix1cb6r wrote

Found the apartment building I grew up in and wow, immediately transported back in a way that looking at that same location in current Google Maps just doesn't do.


SarcasticallyNow t1_ix1rmi2 wrote

The city did a project to photograph EVERYTHING at that time as part of a property tax assessment. Think they used crappy 110 cartridge cameras. This site just catalogs the city's inscrutable archive in a nice format.


Hadleys158 t1_ix22l69 wrote

I wonder if someone can throw all these into an AI program and make a street view type version of this?


Chris20nyy t1_ix2h0qa wrote

Found our old house in the Bronx. Love knowing I was a kid living there when this picture was taken!