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leoheck t1_iydqga2 wrote

Unfortunately Kim said yes. She should have said no, right?


nemotiger t1_iyebf31 wrote

So... In the future, bad writers will have to compete with robots!


prince-blondie t1_iyet1lj wrote

can an AI make an idea for an AI that doesnt fucking suck


Middle_Plantain892 t1_iyevi3l wrote

This AI generated stuff is cool, but it also just feels like plagiarism with lots of extra steps.


dr_freeloader t1_iyez715 wrote

Did that and it wouldn't let me create. The popup let me fill in the fields but the Generate button was greyed out and there was a message saying I am on the waitlist and they would contact me. Oh well, working now.


gyarnar t1_iyf5sz4 wrote

Can't wait until ai creates ai that creates ai. Adobe Illustrator.


Terpomo11 t1_iyf9gb0 wrote

The library doesn't work for me.


Taron221 t1_iyfajpe wrote

These data crawlers are like a Rube Goldberg machine that moves a brush, but with paints, brushes, and paper stolen from hundreds of people’s houses. In this specific case, it’s stealing data, and some of them go as far as brazenly informing you of whose art it is they’re parasitizing.


deadlyenmity t1_iyfbctg wrote

Yes a paintbrush that steals from other people lmfaoo

I can’t believe people are still doing the “bbbbbut artist take inspiration from other artists all the time” as if that’s even remotely comparable


aBeaSTWiTHiNMe t1_iyfejhi wrote

I'm always amazed at how many AI services expect people to pay a subscription for something that's just pure curiosity.