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4a4a t1_j168ool wrote

This is a solution in search of a problem.


mcwobby t1_j16gti3 wrote

It does have some uses in Emergency Services and I believed Mongolia uses it in their postal system.


NewKingMorons t1_j18uyia wrote

It's very poor in emergency situations despite the slick marketing. There are homonyms and pluralisations which have led to rescuers going to nearby (but not near enough) locations when the 3 words have been misheard.


[deleted] t1_j17ai1i wrote



PretzelsThirst t1_j17ftsj wrote

You might be surprised to know that if you type in GPS coordinates wrong they will also show the wrong location.


TastyCheddar t1_j17k73c wrote

I’m guessing since there weren’t enough users with this problem, the company who made what 3 words partnered up with the guys making Earth 2. It’s a game where you pay real money to buy virtual land which are direct copies of what 3 words’ squares in their maps. I hate this type of useless metaverse bullshit but I have to admit they were pretty smart in pivoting into something that makes them money.


CookiePush t1_j16gh96 wrote

It has been useful to share points and paths that are not known to street map applications. Geocaching or hiking trails for example.


CpGrover t1_j16h1ri wrote

I know this has been around for a while, and on very first glance it seems like a useful idea, but it seems to fall apart quickly.

The names are meaningless and follow no logic, so they're impossible to remember. So the only real use case is to verbally tell someone a location that can't be described with a street address. And by the time you've used an app or web site to find out the 3 magic words for the location, you could have just sent them a link to an actual map of the location, with no clumsy reciting and typing of random words.


Kris18 t1_j16j1ik wrote

Or you could just give coordinates.


chazchaz101 t1_j17v9dm wrote

There are multiple examples of extremely similar words pointing to areas that are in the same area, so it's really not good for anything safety critical. Cybergibbons did a good write up on the major flaws.


mcockram85 t1_j1a5vh9 wrote

I've been enjoying Cybergibbons work on the topic and highlighting their dire financial situation too.


SorayaSalan t1_j17k02a wrote

Mia Mulder made a great video on why this system is terrible

The main criticisms (if my memory serves correctly) were that the there just aren't enough simple recognisable words in the English language that can be used in this without causing confusion due to similar sounding words and two words next to each other sounding like another set of words, and the fact that landmasses are constantly moving.


orincoro t1_j19mqqp wrote

Australia moves 15 meters A YEAR?


[deleted] t1_j19mzkh wrote



orincoro t1_j19omuz wrote

But 15 meters a year is really, really fast. The rest of the world is moving like 5-6 cm a year.

I have a hard time believing that figure because this would imply that Australia has moved 750 kilometers north in just the time since humans lived there. That would be really surprising to me.

Edit: as I suspected, it moves more like 15 meters every century. Still extremely fast for a continent, but not 15 meters a year.


SorayaSalan t1_j1apaws wrote

Yes, it is indeed not 15 meters per year, sorry about that.

Removed that from my comment.


EastNine t1_j18zo6g wrote

Also it’s fragile - with coordinates, similar values are near one another so incomplete or slightly wrong data can still put you in roughly the right place. Not so with this system where very similar codes can be hundreds of miles apart


daninet t1_j189qjy wrote

Google maps has the exact same feature they have unique address for every location and it works with google maps search. It makes addresses like WGQ+357 and if I remember correctly If you know the city and neighbourhood you only have to remember the numbers. I use it for instructions in delivery app. The app did not allow short links so i just write "google maps XXX+000" and 8 out of 10 couriers managed to find me


ninekeysdown t1_j18gg4n wrote

Plus codes are also open source making them easy to integrate into other nav apps. Since they're based on lon+lat it's also fairly straight forward to decode if needed/wanted.


GoldBeachDude t1_j19vq9o wrote

This is a fantastic application. I am and have been a member of my counties Search and Rescue team for years. We encourage all SAR members to have it on their phone. It works and has helped us save lives. I make sure this app is on every family members phone. Keep in mind I live in one of the most remote backcountry counties in America with thousands of acres of mountains and deep woods. Do yourself a favor if traveling back in the woods off the beaten path and download this app. It could help save your life.


ExegolTouristBoard t1_j169uks wrote

If you’re an iPhone user, rather than share your location with another commercial organisation involving no open-source algorithm or database, open Apple’s Maps app, swipe up from the lower pane and click Share My Location.


Reifeen t1_j16az3z wrote

I learned about this site in a Korean TV show, maybe the best use case for this, as a puzzle.


Quackerooney t1_j18fn2b wrote

Always thought this was a neat idea!

Improves the UX of map coordinates considerably.

Surprised it's been posted here, though...


Shavethatmonkey t1_j18pov6 wrote

Well that seems worthless and just adding a whole layer of labeling that is useless without the service.

Street addresses may not be 100% accurate, but this is even worse in my opinion.


TootsNYC t1_j18tw0d wrote

I love this, but it’s not widespread

My daughter works as a cater waiter and had to go to the Brooklyn Navy Yard. There were multiple doors and it was very early and she had trouble finding the right entrance.

If I were her company, I’d make this app a company standard.


arctic388 t1_j1a6h23 wrote

I asked a 911 person if they knew this app and she didn’t. Now they do because I asked a couple years ago. I think it’s a great idea because in my area it’s a lot of open land and river use. There’s not real addresses on a river close enough to use as a reference point.


elrugmunchero t1_j1frkjq wrote

2 angles should do it if we assume we're on the ground