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VincentNacon t1_j1w5v14 wrote

This is basically a website to let people experience an high-five hanging. So cruel.


ConsciousWhirlpool t1_j1w93kq wrote

Usually I'm the one that leaves people hanging, now I know how it feels.

Edit: Took a few minutes but it got answered from Germany.


GentlewomanBastard t1_j1wprxb wrote

I got one from Germany and one from Luxembourg. Wish I could chat with them or something, otherwise how do I know the website isn’t just saying someone from these places high fived me?


arto64 OP t1_j1wq9ai wrote

I made this during the lockdowns. Any chat function would inevitably open the way to negative interactions. A high five can only be positive.

The backend is very minimalistic, and uses an IP geolocation database, geolocation being a kind of affirmation that it is a person you are interacting with.


GentlewomanBastard t1_j1wsscv wrote

I see. Maybe there could me a minimalist message picker or something? Like you could hit the high five button and then choose one of five messages to send along with it?

That would keep it simple and without negativity, but still increase the interaction a bit more.

Just a thought!


sgrams04 t1_j1wyldu wrote

I love this. All my high fives came from the UK. Pretty sure it’s just one guy sitting at home hoping to high five everyone in the world.


arto64 OP t1_j1x2zdu wrote

Hm, I could try some type of AI touchscreen-arse detection, then I can run a heavy JavasScript loop to sufficiently heat up the phone battery , which should make you remove the phone from your arse.


arto64 OP t1_j1x5iyo wrote

If you're getting high-fives from Slovenia, that's me trying to not leave people hanging. But I have to go sleep, so if someone from the US could take over, that'd be great!


arto64 OP t1_j1x5vc4 wrote

Fun fact, the sound effect is an actual recorded high-five!


Jemeloo t1_j1x9efl wrote

UK and Brazil. I’m from USA


carlinhosgd t1_j1x9so5 wrote

i'm the brazillian one, managed to get uk, another brazil, usa, canada, austria, australia, netherlands, slovenia, ecuador, new zealand, india, greece, mexico, romania, sweden, turkey and germany so far


carlinhosgd t1_j1xag05 wrote

if youre getting alot from brazil, thats because i have 4 windows open to high five multiple people simultaneously


lordMaroza t1_j1xfiki wrote

Awesome! I've been mostly getting US, but there were a lot of countries. ✋


Blaze2095 t1_j1xfkul wrote

Got 5 high-fives. Two from Brazil, two from the U.S., and one from Switzerland. Awesome!


Survivor256 t1_j1xk7do wrote

Instantly got a French high five and came back here. I feel dirty but satisfied


Writer10 t1_j1xkwbs wrote

9 high fives from the USA, one from Ireland, one from Norway, one from Brazil, two from Canada

Hello Irish friend!

Hello 9 other Americans!

Helloooooooo Norway!

Hi Brazil!

And Canada, hi buddy!


DeltreeceIsABitch t1_j1xl04g wrote

Is there another Irish person here at 3.30am, or did I just high-five myself?


Lizard1995 t1_j1xnjuo wrote

I have gotten the USA, Netherlands, & Canada so far.

Edit: Kazakhstan & Brazil

Edit Edit: New Zealand


AitchyB t1_j1xnogu wrote

Netherlands, Canada and Kazakhstan!


OldButHappy t1_j1xrmme wrote

I love this!

Skip the curating on social media and go straight to the human connection!


seanbrockest t1_j1xrvze wrote

I don't wanna be that guy, but is there any real backend to this? Or is it just a random country name generator?


lewd_bingo t1_j1xx056 wrote

I only get Canada and United States. No more details like city or device


MarcusWilcour t1_j1y2vli wrote

(Canada) Got a high-five from Norway, have a good day over there!


AloneDay8829 t1_j1y4kbx wrote

I believe this only lists random countries when you click...


SmokeyXIII t1_j1y88iq wrote

It keeps making me touch Americans....


deezy154 t1_j1y8xbw wrote

if i tap quickly multiple times, i get 3-4 high fives in one second. one of them is from turkey (where im from) so i guess i accidentally high fived myself


sandm4n_ t1_j1ycafm wrote

If you're wondering who from India is giving the 5 to you, it's me!


ahhcool t1_j1ycgx3 wrote

Why was that so exhilarating?


kmn493 t1_j1ycm2e wrote

Surprisingly diverse countries I'm getting. Had two U.S. from the start but then no repeats, 5 more in.


arto64 OP t1_j1ycte3 wrote

I think it’s the current time of day, since it’s 3.30am in NY. Also, at one point it got around on some chinese forums and such, and you would get them almost exclusively from China.


RandomlyAgrees t1_j1ycwzt wrote

I keep getting them from the US and Canada. Y'all motherfuckers need to go to sleep...


JCNunny t1_j1yiwtz wrote

Lotta Aussies high fiving down under!


slabs37 t1_j1yke27 wrote

UK, Pakistan, France, US, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand, Finland, Greece Australia, Serbia, Ireland, Brazil, Poland, Austria, Mongolia, Gibraltar, Italy, Switzerland, India, Malaysia, Israel, Thailand, Romania, Bulgaria, Norway, South Korea, Slovakia, Japan, Mexico, Belgium, from an unknown land o.o

i love this


Dasamont t1_j1yknvj wrote

I did it five times, three of them were from my own country... Hmmm


shirk-work t1_j1yljpy wrote

Got New Zealand whaaaaat. Out here in Kenya now.


madrascafe t1_j1ym44i wrote

Got a high-five from r/Mars Perseverence 😉

Just kidding


svermaak t1_j1yn958 wrote

Opensourse or I won't believe it's not just spitting back random country names


Duckyass t1_j1yo551 wrote

Thanks for the high five, kind stranger!


FeelingsDisappear t1_j1yq7bd wrote

Is that a random array of countries 🤔 😂

If it is actually other people's countries, then GREAT JOB 👍


regenerated-hymen t1_j1yrtmt wrote

So far this is what I've got






United Kingdom


United States











South Korea



TheDutchDudette t1_j1ysem1 wrote

Got one from Serbia! Really love the internet sometimes :)


aobtree123 t1_j1yu91p wrote

I don’t know what it is about this that works, but it’s fantastic. It’s just nice to know you’ve made contact with someone, especially if you’re lonely and I have no friends.

I have put it in my favourites bar in Safari.


kutkarnemelk t1_j1yuux0 wrote

I love my friend from Finland.

- Your friend from the Netherlands


SilverRain007 t1_j1ywxud wrote

Gave a high five, got one back from the Philippines. Neat!


mrgonzalez t1_j1yzj3a wrote

Do our computers need to shake hands before highfiving?


ihisatsu t1_j1z15ap wrote

I thought, "Silly little idea", and then tried it. Felt an almost profound connection immediately with the other bro from the UK, then Germany, then the Netherlands, then Bosnia Herzegovina...thank you for the chance to give a crisp high five to my Bros across this blue marble!


moonstone7152 t1_j1z4npk wrote

Hello Serbia, Canada, US, Mexico, South Africa, and Denmark!


moonstone7152 t1_j1z53sb wrote

high-five doesnt look like real words anymore...


ch4melea t1_j1z6avb wrote

Love it! Thanks to Chechia, UK, and US!


iMakeWebsites4u t1_j1z6myp wrote

There's no way of verifying this is true, which I don't like. This could just be telling you random country names.

I suggest allowing users to also send a 1 sentence message. Like a thought bubble on the hand when it high fives you.

edit: lol the dislikes. people don't like differing opinions or honest feedback lol. ironic in a forum space.


xuchy t1_j1z7qe8 wrote

Germany and Iceland!


arto64 OP t1_j1zayze wrote

It intentionally does not include any real means of communication, because that just invites negativity and trolling. I made it and I can assure you it’s real, and took me about day to implement, because all it does is resolve both IPs using an IP geolocation database.


_parasyte_ t1_j1zf0vj wrote

US, France, Netherlands and Australia! Hello friends!


TheHapster t1_j1zg2u4 wrote

No thanks, that’s how you spread germs.


GentlewomanBastard t1_j1zhgj1 wrote

Not trying to have full on conversations to meet people — just low stakes interactions!

Honestly it just felt to me like the high fives were empty and I was trying to think of a way to make them feel more meaningful.

Discord is something completely different.


arno14 t1_j1zn7u4 wrote

Really strangely addictive.


arno14 t1_j1znb3y wrote

I got 200 Canadians.


iMakeWebsites4u t1_j1znn94 wrote

I don't doubt that it's real, but what i am saying is that it makes me feel that way. im giving you my honest review. I've seen this practice a lot especially on mobile apps where they tell you you're playing multiplayer online, but in reality it's a bot you're playing against. And the more you play the game the more noticeable it becomes, and then once you realize it, it feels like a false experience. Then user retention goes down.

It's a good idea though.

I'm seeing the potential of what this could be or become .

This is how you can solve commentary trolling: you supply a list of words a user can use, it could be point and click, and they can click on a word and form simple sentences, that way no bad words can be used. Simple messages, you can even throw in some emojis. That would be fun.

I appreciate your work, good job on getting it done and putting something out there.


edit: lol the dislikes.


ch061 t1_j1zoj3u wrote

Lots of mine came from Europe, I got Poland, Norway, the UK, and the Netherlands along with all of the ones from here in the US


PsychoSOTY t1_j1zp4gr wrote

If yall get one from Cambodia das me lol


ozh t1_j1zrbnb wrote

onmouseclick = function()(write 'you got a high five from' + random_country());

or something like that...


helenaheldin t1_j1zt937 wrote

Some exclusive high5s from me: I'm in Seychelles 🇸🇨


de_dustTO t1_j1zzkb7 wrote

Italy, Austria, Germany, Netherlands, Mexico, Albania, Philippines, Spain and Turkey.

High fives were coming from Canada!


MrSores t1_j20dww5 wrote

Thx to the albanian for high fiving me back 4 times


Red77777777 t1_j210gaf wrote

and I just switch with my vpn through all the countries that I have in my vpn list, to make others feel like they give the whole world the five


szabri t1_j226197 wrote

Shout-out to the buddy from Slovenia whoever you are we high fived like 10 times


Ecoaardvark t1_j238npk wrote

Nobody high fived me back. I demand a refund.