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2ner1337 t1_j78d3h6 wrote

Post a link for something cool on Reddit and thousands will click. How to crash a public server 101.

Edit. Thanks, guess I’ll try later.


quartertopi t1_j78sayh wrote

This is awesome! Commenting for later use


davevasquez t1_j79jdij wrote

This is excellent! Extremely well made too!


ravenhair29 t1_j79szz9 wrote

The server encountered an error The server encountered an error The server encountered an error .. I guess it's not functioning? Tried a couple of browsers on a couple of computers ...


murdercitymrk t1_j79wukp wrote

I really wish this had the option to search against a picture, or am I missing it somewhere?


FibroBitch96 t1_j79x6c8 wrote

But can it be used for porn? I’ve got a weird itch that needs scratching


xav1z t1_j7a8gh7 wrote

i cant sign up for long there..


CptFizz t1_j7a8k33 wrote

>the server encountered an error


eskiedog t1_j7aghqb wrote

This is great! Thank you for sharing


Nferg004 t1_j7ahfcc wrote

Really fun to play image based '6 degrees of kevin bacon' - goes down some cool rabbit holes


IsNullOrEmptyTrue t1_j7ai2xk wrote

I wonder how much it can scale with that per-character keystroke event reindexing the search every time..


LelouchViMajesti t1_j7aivhl wrote

this is fantastic for moodboard, i’ll be using this thank you


Mundane-Key t1_j7akey1 wrote

What is the difference from just using Google images (related images)?


JustGarate t1_j7aq9zd wrote

I love that site! I've used it for weeks now, it's pretty cool and it has a creative commons feature, so I use it to get sample images for an unfinished programming project :)


SirCrackWaffle t1_j7avizy wrote

I feel like if you want a specific texture or property to reference for your work, this could be pretty cool.


WhatIfThisIsNotReal t1_j7ayxe3 wrote

Hey, this looks really cool but when I try and sign up and enter an email address, it says to enter a username not an email. But when I do that it says its not a valid email address. Going round in circles but can't register.

I'm using chrome on my phone if that helps..


Buck_Thorn t1_j7b6csz wrote

Man, I LOVE it! Google Images is way behind. I've long wanted a progressive refinement process from them... you've done it! I'll be bookmarking that. (a browser add-on would be great, hint hint)


Mayion t1_j7ba8b6 wrote

Ngl I am kind of annoyed that it keeps changing the images when I simply want to click on an image to open it, not to "search" for it.

An image search engine where I can't intuitively open up an image seems like a design flaw. Right clicking is not a suitable solution IMO either, because we all left click to open, not search.

Edit: I also suggest adding a label stating the dimensions of the image, as well as a filter for sizes.

Edit 2: Also adding a button to open the image in a new tab, or simply clicking a maximized image opens it in a new tab.

Cool concept though.


Mayion t1_j7br5q3 wrote

Yes but still changes the images I am looking at against my will. At least an overlay over the image that shows two buttons when I hover over, Expand or Search, would be better than deciding for the user that they must change their search results because they simply want to see a specific image.

If I search for Chickens, and click on an image I like, that means I want to view the image not change my query from Chickens to whatever the metadata of the image I opened is.

As in, if I see two images I like, I click on one and suddenly the rest of the images change, that annoys me as a user who still wanted to browse the rest of the gallery they first saw.

UX is based on either intuition, e.g. Click an image to expand

Or by placing buttons where the user can select the action they want.

Also, if I open a search link in a new tab, the search bar at the top does not show, I think this is unintended behavior.


Not trying to shit on you, the project is very nice and useful. Just that UX, I feel, needs some polishing to not be punishing to the user.


FrenchyRaccoon t1_j7c0uo2 wrote

This is super awesome! I just fiddled real quick until i get home, so sorry if this is already a feature but any plans to incorporate video/gif compatibility by any chance? Thank you!


GorgeousVillian OP t1_j7cemzx wrote

PSA: using a computer seems to prevent the "error" message. Mobile is hit or miss


Nyiregyhazi t1_ja8bl63 wrote

Is anyone getting "The Server Encountered an Issue" when trying to sign up? I tried contacting the creator, but haven't received a response in over a week.