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Smart_Interaction_34 t1_jds1k9l wrote

lol quoting a traitor is low even for /jokes

Y’all right. Jackassed and unnecessary here.


DarkEnergy27 t1_jdspcmq wrote

What the fuck are you on about


[deleted] t1_jdsphnw wrote



DarkEnergy27 t1_jdspnz6 wrote

Ah. And you think you're better than them?


[deleted] t1_jdspr3c wrote



DarkEnergy27 t1_jdsq54u wrote

Let me get this straight: Do you believe everyone who supported/supports Trump is completely evil, traitorous, and despicable? Even if they've not done anything wrong in his name?


regrettablyold t1_jdsk9p2 wrote



[deleted] t1_jdsl7sz wrote



regrettablyold t1_jdsysr8 wrote

Thank you for your service. I'm with you. I like "shitgibbon".


Smart_Interaction_34 t1_jdsyzhs wrote

Service. Yeah probably won’t matter soon. I won’t fit in well in Gilead. If the CNP/ADF gets its way, America will be a fascist theocracy.


MushyP06 t1_jdsz2fp wrote

Holy SHIT bro got ratioed.


Smart_Interaction_34 t1_jdt0si9 wrote

Yeah Reddit is actually right leaning outside the straight up anti fascist circles.

All the gaming subs lean hard alt-right


MushyP06 t1_jdt19ih wrote

Personally never noticed but then again those places aren’t often ones of political “discussions”.


Smart_Interaction_34 t1_jdt2lew wrote

Mention anything accepting of like LGBT people in /gaming and they’ll ratio you as hard as /conservative would.


MushyP06 t1_jdt3rme wrote

Really? Thats kinda fucked, I know the gaming world isn’t known for their welcoming communities of which I have an in depth first hand experience but goddamn that seems a bit much.


Smart_Interaction_34 t1_jdt3x4o wrote

Oh no not at all, they’re pretty much all alt-right “free Andrew Tate” incels if we’re being blunt.

Fucks sake the game Celeste is LOVED but when the person who made it said it’s about them and being trans, they had to lock the thread, due to the onslaught of transphobic comments.

/Minecraft got mad because the new chat system doesn’t let them spam the N word & antisemitic shit any more. That’s not what they say they’re mad about but that’s what they’re actually mad about.

Gamergate is basically still alive and well.


MushyP06 t1_jdt5y1m wrote

Yeah that minecraft one is too true but personally I have seen a few actual problems with the new filter system, particularly that in some places it is far too sensitive to regular words and in others it in some ways facilitates unnecessary shadow banning, not that i play minecraft much anymore, most of my friends are busy or elsewhere.


Dakkendoofer t1_jdt0ukv wrote

Oh no, people on the internet disagreed with him on a very divisive issue. What ever will he do? How will he recover from this?


MushyP06 t1_jdt14qu wrote

Probably try to cancel them but then get no u’ed with some racist comment he also made 8 years ago


Dakkendoofer t1_jdt1l85 wrote

The people within 5 miles of you are infinitely more important in your life than anyone on the internet. I hope you can learn that, if you haven’t already.


MushyP06 t1_jdt3lv0 wrote

Oh yeah I’m well aware, 99% of the people on this system i couldn’t give a shit about, unfortunately my location puts those important to me at a bit more than 5 miles but the point holds.

Oh and sidenote, that excluded 1% includes mostly people like yourself who can bare to have a basic coherent and sensible conversation with someone like myself, and within that one percent are the small group of 10 who i regularly play games or talk with more privately, they are also quite important.


Dakkendoofer t1_jdt3r72 wrote

Wherever you are, I hope you have a good week and your neighbors enrich your life


MushyP06 t1_jdt64xr wrote

Hey you too man, although to be truthful my right side neighbours are pricks and are more likely to plunder than enrich. (I know that’s not what you mean but fUnNy).

As for my general location, I am in a place that is fond of tea and crumpets and has excessively discoloured teeth, and by extension a place where a should really go to sleep because it’s nearly 1:15. So I bid you farewell for the time being.


Dakkendoofer t1_jdv6xt1 wrote

Lol, yeah, I hear ya. Well hey, if not them, hopefully a little further down the road


llkkdd t1_jdtam5e wrote

I'd bet anything 99% of people downvoting you aren't trump supporters. That quote was a bad moment for him that isn't something republicans are going to randomly bring up.


Smart_Interaction_34 t1_jdtaq5z wrote

I’ve seen them bring it up as a point of pride.

They LIKE that he’s like that, because they’re like that. Conservatives are like school in the summertime, no class.


llkkdd t1_jdtd2ro wrote

But what makes you think everyone who didn't think your tangent belonged in the thread is a trump supporter, and what made you go on the tangent that started with mentioning something trump said to continue a joke? How confident are you the person you responded to supports trump? Their time on reddit is purely r jokes, dadjokes, and puns. There's no reason to assume they agree with that statement, since most people don't, and especially most who bring it up out of the blue.