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Dakkendoofer t1_jdt3r72 wrote

Wherever you are, I hope you have a good week and your neighbors enrich your life


MushyP06 t1_jdt64xr wrote

Hey you too man, although to be truthful my right side neighbours are pricks and are more likely to plunder than enrich. (I know that’s not what you mean but fUnNy).

As for my general location, I am in a place that is fond of tea and crumpets and has excessively discoloured teeth, and by extension a place where a should really go to sleep because it’s nearly 1:15. So I bid you farewell for the time being.


Dakkendoofer t1_jdv6xt1 wrote

Lol, yeah, I hear ya. Well hey, if not them, hopefully a little further down the road