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fullformica t1_jd1z8ru wrote

Q: Why did the blind guy trip and fall into that well?

A: Because he could not see that well.


askewdefault84 t1_jd1zloo wrote

Have you ever been to a nudist beach? 90% of the people you see there will make you wish you were blind


dirtilypot t1_jd2009b wrote

Been to some nudist beaches and, unless you're really into old and fat people, it is very hard to get hard.


Rutherfordio2 t1_jd38rvs wrote

Just approach him and put as many spots as you want, his skin is free real state, and he won't even see.


GMN123 t1_jd4372w wrote

Every nudist beach I've ever been to has contained predominantly obese old men, which is fine of course, but hardness was not on the agenda.