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maynardstaint t1_je39uus wrote

No, I think what ever YOU THINk happened is a conspiracy and I don’t fucking care.


RoLaAus t1_je3a8dw wrote

That's the problem, you don't care that ACTUAL FACTS exist that contradict YOUR OPINION! Google "confirmation bias" and you can WATCH WITH YOUR OWN EYES...but, oh, no... its NY you can't believe your lying eyes


maynardstaint t1_je3d153 wrote

Not what I said. The shaman was arrested because there is evidence he committed a crime. Then he confessed.

If YOU have proof of a crime, to arrest whoever you think is guilty.

What I DONT care about, is what you THINK happened. Because you have no idea who they are, what they’re ACTUALLY doing, where they’re may it may not be taking him. You dont ACTUALLY KNOW A damn thing. Every single word. Out of YOUR mouth. IS conspiracy theory. And I don’t give a shit what you THINK happened.


RoLaAus t1_je3ded7 wrote

Blinded by partisanship....Cult worship and confirmation bias!!


RoLaAus t1_je3e94i wrote

The ONLY reason you are saying what you are saying is 1 - the video shows people on the other side as you And 2 - Cult News Network told you "no co text", so you say "yes massa" and Parr their talking points.

WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE then cops IN UNIFORM escorting him around!

Also, his defense did not have these clips to show the judge/jury for his defense, so I don't particularly care what he confessed to Behing Biden WITHELD EVIDENCE just like he sicked his politicized IRS on the Twitter Files news reporter!!


maynardstaint t1_je3h3ci wrote

And the aliens are behind this? Or is it the lizard people this time? Ooh wait, it’s the Illuminati, isn’t it? I fucking knew it.


RoLaAus t1_je3ptgw wrote

Your answer to the IRS (and the DoJ) being wraponized by 1 side is to make light, make a joke about it... this administration is the EXACT reason that 2A says "to ensure a free state" and the actions of this administration only post-justifies Jan 6th and it won't be long before it is taken further and we will have no other choice but to stand up and fight...I mean, this admin has already shown its true colors about 1A and their attempts to start a "ministry of truth" circa Orwrlls 1984! And they KNOW if you take away 2A by trying to disarm the people it will only solidfy their stronghold on you fools!


RoLaAus t1_je3w5aa wrote

You lot have been setup and conditioned to accept government lies for over a decade! Much, much longer... they have been teaching you for multiple generations and then they gave you the "final exam" on your willingness to accept government lying to you when you guys excuse "I did not have sex with that woman" and then accepted the excuse "that depends upon what your definition of 'is' is".... then fast forward a short while later made you had a 1st lady telling you to be good little nazis and "turn in your neighbkrs" for telling racist jokes...and now we are 1 step away from arresting comedians for speech like Canada has done, and you freely accept the political imprisoning of dissedents...its been roughly 1.5 years and still some Jan 6th proyestors have not received their CONSTITUTIONAL right of a speedy trial and due process (like the WH withholding video evidence" you gladly accept the wraponization of IRS and what you likely don't know is happening behind the scenes is that people are being targeted by the ATF for SELLING THEIR OWN PROPERRY - which most states allow (with provisions) but when 1 guy tried to sell 1 handgun (not even a rifle not even an AR15) he was told by the ATF that he needs to cease and desist LEGAL ACTIVITY or else he will be charged as an "unlicensed dealer" (gun "dealers" re thise defined as their purpose of existing is earning a profit from selling guns", but the ATF is using this VAGUE definition to harass law abiding citizens!! Be a good little Nazi and never question your dear leader with no clothes!!