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refreshing_username t1_je9v16f wrote

Look, buddy, you and I probably agree on most things politically, but childishly calling names makes the world worse, not better. And that's even before we get to the fact that your zero-data judgment is exactly wrong.

First, you clearly didn't get the tongue in cheek reference to the tongue in cheek song. Look it up.

Second, I have a trans son who I cherish and who I supported every step of the way, from his coming out, through surgery, and now hormone therapy. He's one of the most courageous people I know.

You know who's been spotted here? The well-meaning but ultimately destructive clod who wants to throw around labels, polarize, call names, and make constructive dialogue impossible.


vegancookie t1_je9vml2 wrote

I have no idea what song you’re talking about, not everyone will know your pop culture references, and if it hadn’t been some unknown pop culture reference there is no way in hell it wouldn’t be overtly transphobic. You could even post the reference here if you want to really let the audience know what on the hell you are referencing.
