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keyboardstatic t1_itpfvo2 wrote

There is a girl playing in the yard when her neighbour comes past. He is the same age and they start playing. She has a little dog, chickes and pigs with her. Since they live on a farm.

Then he says can I kiss you.

Only if you promise to close your eyes. And only open them when I say you can.

Of course he scowled everyone knows you close your eyes when kissing.

So he closes his eyes and leans forward lips puckered.

Wait a moment. She says.

Then he feels her lean in her cheek or mouth is all bristles and smells a bit funny.

He kisses it thoughly. She giggles. Then says open your eyes.

He opens his eyes oh I didn't know you were so bristly he says. My hair fell down when we kissed.

May I have another he asked.

The girl nodded.

This time a long wet tongue licks him from chin to nose .

Ahhh he yells in surprise opening his eyes.

The girl is holding up her little dog.

Why did you do that he says...

Well you said the pigs bottom was too bristly.