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Make_the_music_stop t1_itv5ttc wrote

I went on a date with an Italian beauty. We had a great conversation until we held hands, then she was speechless.


TaikaJamppa t1_itv7s17 wrote

So that’s… how you shut up an Italian? Hold their hands? Just like a person using sign language, you just turn the lights off? 😆

Edit: Come to think of it, Italians are speaking in sign language… kind of? So holding either’s hand would shut both up?


Stay-At-Home-Jedi t1_itvnrxj wrote

As a Hispanic (similar but not the same), I've tried to talk with my hands in my pockets - it is nigh impossible.


TaikaJamppa t1_itvr3p1 wrote

Well, being Finnish myself… I usually keep my hands to the side. Then again, I barely talk. No, I’m not mute, just Finnish.


iaqualdo t1_itvx36t wrote

You may be joking but it actually kinda is


teneggomelet t1_itw6tsj wrote

I actually saw a fender-bender accident in front of my little hotel in Italy

The next hour I just sat on my balcony and watched the show. The hand waving and arguing was insanly entertaining. Even people who weren't even there to see the accident would walk by and get involved in the arguing and gesticulating.


Ghaladh t1_itwd0p3 wrote

You should have joined in with random yells and hand gestures. Just go "eeeeeeeeeh", "ooooooooooh", "ueh" and do something with your hands. they would have been scared and confused and drop the argument.


Vohn_Jogel64 t1_itveaf5 wrote

I’m walking down a road in Italy and I’m lost.

I ask a man carrying two watermelons under each arm which way to the train station.

He carefully works the first watermelon to the ground, and gently lowers the second watermelon to the ground.

He looks me dead in the eyes, throws up his hands and says “I don’t know”


1983Targa911 t1_itvooj9 wrote

If he had two watermelons under each arm, wouldn’t he have four watermelons?


sovamind t1_itvqsk8 wrote

As written... yes.

Probably meant to be written, "carrying two watermelons, one under each arm, ..."


Terboh t1_itvwgfz wrote

RAW the Italian has 4 watermelons, but RAI it's 2


DahakUK t1_itw39e3 wrote

But do they count as improvised weaponry, or does carrying them mean he's unarmed?


The_mango55 t1_itw7mcx wrote

Has Crawford tweeted about how many watermelons there are?


pedro_pascal_123 t1_itw3ag2 wrote

Nowhere does it say that the two watermelons he set down were from different hands... he could have freed one hand only... It takes only one hand to 🤌


TooShiftyForYou t1_itvbgv1 wrote

A woman travels to Italy for a work conference, so her husband drives her to the airport.

“Thank you honey,” she says, “Is there anything I can bring back for you?”

He laughs and says, “How about an Italian girl!”

When the conference is over, he meets her up at the airport and asks, “So how was the trip?”

“Very good,” she replies.

“And what about the present you were going to bring me?”

“Which present?” she asks.

“The one I asked for - an Italian girl!”

“Oh right, well I did what I could. We’ll just have to wait 9 months to see if it’s a girl.”


DerRaumdenker t1_itvt2jj wrote

An italian guy picks up a blonde from the bar, He takes her home to make love to her, after finishing he asks her:" are you finnish?"

"No" she answers

Determined not to leave her unsatisfied, he makes love to her again this time with more intensity after half an hour he asks her again:"are you finnish?"

"No" she replies again

This time the Italian goes for an hour, he rolls up in bed covered in sweat and asks: "are you finnish?"

"No, I'm Norwegian" she answers


AcceptablePool8990 t1_itv1cu0 wrote

I assume Italians use hand gestures while talking🤔. Otherwise this went over my head


Vana92 t1_itv2818 wrote

>ff. The others hear him scream. It goes on all day and all night. Finally as the sun rises, he is thrown back in the cell. The other two look at him with new found respect, but he says
>I wanted to tell them everything! But they wouldn't u

Yeah it's a common stereotype. Italians are very animated with their hands when they talk.


Waitsfornoone t1_itvc1om wrote

Not just a stereotype ... a lot of them (us) do it.


Dicho83 t1_itwd0x7 wrote

That's what a stereotype is...

A portrayal of a group of people with common characteristic and subsequent behaviours.

Whether factual or not, it's still a stereotype.


RollerDude347 t1_itwwlz9 wrote

That's why it's a stereotype. Sometimes you have them put on you... Sometimes you earn them.


aRubby t1_itvnkc3 wrote

That checks.

I grew up with my Italian grandma. I have to move my hands to speak. Mom loved to complain that it was "too dramatic" and commented that she wanted to tie my hands to make it stop. I just told her that it'd be easier to sew my mouth shut.


tobaknowsss t1_itvy96g wrote

How do you teach an Italian how to swim?


Ask them to explain something and throw them in the pool....


Leviathan1337 t1_itvr5mj wrote

Ah, good old number 83. Classic.


LukesRightHandMan t1_itw9gre wrote



LEGITCUBANO t1_itw4fd8 wrote

LMAO AYO i lold way too hard at work.


CdnPoster t1_itvrxfd wrote

This would work for a deaf person that uses sign language too!


ZBBZZB t1_itvzg2c wrote

Technically it would but then it would just be that they literally couldn’t say anything


BattleGoose_1000 t1_itwbmza wrote

This is an amazing fact about Italians, please don't stop doing this


Ghaladh t1_itwca1h wrote

We Italians hate chatting on line. We gesticulate even as we type on the keyboard and it really takes a long time to write a message. It took me two hours just to write this.


C0deMasterYT t1_itwdgij wrote

Damnit. This got removed.


[deleted] t1_itv1hs9 wrote

