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RealMcGonzo t1_itmlh2m wrote

At the end of the line at our candy factory, I take the fudge off and put it into boxes.

I can never tell people what my job title is.


firebirdi t1_itneyi4 wrote

When people ask me what my wife does, I tell them it's complicated;

she's a pheasant plucker, you see? She plucks mother pheasants. She's the most pleasant mother pheasant plucker to ever pluck a mother pheasant.


Toikairakau t1_itpd0ha wrote

I had to fill in at my dad's pheasant plucking job when he took a break . They asked who I was and I said, 'I'm not the pheasant pucker, I'm the pheasant pluckers son, I'm only plucking pheasants until the pheasant plucker comes'.