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AdhesivenessCivil581 t1_iu98eez wrote

My favorite T-shirt said "Dyslexics of the World Untie"


Astrium6 t1_iubl4ri wrote

Well, you know what they say about dyslexia: when life gives you melons…


ChubbyWanKenobie t1_iuc42qp wrote

"Dyslexic agnostic insomniacs who lay awake all night wondering if there was a dog". And later...After Daylight Savings Time ended I stopped in to visit my dyslexic friend. He was busy covering his penis with black shoe polish.
I said to him, "You idiot! You're supposed to turn your clock back!


Tight_Phase2795 t1_iu9b94c wrote

This joke was confusing at first. Why would he be writing poems at a pottery class? Then I remembered I’m dyslexic.


Blutarg t1_iu90th0 wrote

This joke is kiln it!


VeritosCogitos t1_iu9m8wh wrote

Hey I have sex daily… shit I mean dyslexia!


OGUncleDonkey t1_iu8hhhi wrote

As cixelsyd person I find this hilarious!!!


DemSkilzDudes t1_iu9g8bv wrote

damnit i thought the joke was vases instead of verses or smth and then i realised :(


whiskeytown79 t1_iua81cn wrote

And here I thought this was a club for people who raise chickens and ducks.


beaky_teef t1_iuadrl9 wrote

What does DNA stand for?

National Dyslexic Association.


Fanthing t1_iuayd0p wrote

As someone who has sexdaily I can confirm that poetry club does help


bristolfarm t1_iubsxzq wrote

I'm dyslexic but also crosseyed so everything works out fine.


Dickcheese-a1 t1_iuchvvp wrote

Don't forget to put a bick in the tox.


Eclectic_UltraViolet t1_iucjbxy wrote

If you don’t like dyslexic people, you can sit on THIS! (raises ring finger).


Irdogain t1_iuckdu7 wrote

The last weeks the 'Flat Mars Society' came up. Now it is already famous around the globe!


Edit: No wrong writing, just had to get it out of my head :-)


icydee t1_iucs1xc wrote

Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshipper who sold his sole to Santa?


d-theman t1_iucspo2 wrote

Dyslexics are teople poo!


Razkal719 t1_iua8wqm wrote

Well Ceramic does rhyme with Iambic


gringo123456789 t1_iual1ny wrote

Totally true story: I was pulled over after drinking while in highschool. I got off after I told the cop I had dyslexia and that’s why I was mixing up my words.


madamski76 t1_iu9prec wrote

2 dyslexic peeps standing in the kitchen, dyslexic1: can you smell gas dyslexic 2: i cant even smell my own name


SaturnStrobe t1_iu9wei2 wrote

My favourite go to joke:

2 dyslexic guys work in a kitchen, one says to the other, can you smell gas, the other guys says, I can’t even spell my own name!


SaturnStrobe t1_iu9wkgk wrote

My favourite go to joke:

2 dyslexic guys work in a kitchen, one says to the other, can you smell gas, the other guys says, I can’t even spell my own name!
