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CannaKingdom0705 t1_iua3lmk wrote

He's the guy standing in the back with a billy club instead of a gun.


tsamsatt t1_iua50va wrote

The one who looks like the guy from Behind Enemy Lines. Or the one who resembles Niko Bellic


dewayneestes t1_iubls64 wrote

You can read Carlos Hathcock’s book about being a sniper in Vietnam. They did a lot to mask who their senior officers were but you could still see who was directing the action or giving them orders.


Velora56 t1_iub5h9q wrote

The one that nobody wants to stand near, because he's the one that the snipers scope is trained on.

No one wants to be "Collateral Damage".

Never worry about the bullet that has your name on it,

It's going to find you anyways.

Worry about the bullet that has written upon it, "To whom it may concern".


BabylonDrifter t1_iua8vtp wrote

He's the guy who gets to use a toilet instead of just shitting in a hole in the ground.


EpicMayorCom t1_iuc46k5 wrote

Russia used to be the second best army in the world Now they're the second best army in Ukraine They just can't win! 🤣


No_Personality_7477 t1_iubhakd wrote

Rank if they can see that far. Position in a vehicle or formation. Beyond that watch a crowd of people for 10 mins and you tell who is in charge


phydeaux44 t1_iubx06x wrote

That's a great answer, not sure why you got some down votes.

To add to that, Western intelligence is giving a fire hose of data to the ukrainians.


Jebediah_Johnson t1_iue4500 wrote

Ukrainian snipers over here handing out field promotions.


reddufrane t1_iuaxwm0 wrote

The only one who doesn’t look 12.


lastepeck1 t1_iub81p1 wrote

The ones that have socks


Rebel_Player_957 t1_iucghju wrote

The guys whose rations do not include pinto beans.


alppu t1_iucj7ph wrote

Only they are older than their gear


hypernormienation t1_iucqnvt wrote

You’ve obviously never met a Ukrainian because they love their adidas just as much as Russians


LifeIL t1_iucskrs wrote

The one not carrying a washing machine.


Gouzi00 t1_iud6wlo wrote

Loosing balance while trying to walk... Eventually being supported by one or more soldiers according to "Soigu" meter - weight.


norrisrw t1_iudzoss wrote

They're the ones smoking American cigarettes.


DontArthasMeBro t1_iuai31y wrote

They don't...a Russian sniper peels their wig back while they're trying to figure it out


phydeaux44 t1_iubwwhx wrote

I think we just found a Russian senior officer.