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GrugnarTheReader t1_ixm0cil wrote

I need to know if you're spinning the barrel after each shit or not.


Available-Key-9488 t1_ixm1d55 wrote

Whether you spin (the cylinder) after shitting or not doesn't make a difference unless you shat into the barrel (which you don't usually spin).

Apart from that, actually if you don't spin, both options are the same, if you do, 5 rounds with 1 bullets is way better than 1 round with 5 bullets, so OP is wrong either way.


GrugnarTheReader t1_ixm2pzn wrote

Hahaha. My autocorrect thinks I use shit more than shot! Probably true on Reddit.


Green_Cartographer84 t1_ixq8ynx wrote

If you don't spin you're most likely fucked either way, but I'd say you have a slightly better chance with 5 bullets. With a well oiled revolver the weight of the bullets can fall to the bottom, leaving the one clear chamber at the top. With one bullet and no spinning you'd be dead on the 2nd or 3rd shot in this case.

Spinning each time the single bullet has (in a well maintained revolver) a higher than 5 to 1 chance of being at the bottom each time.


Available-Key-9488 t1_ixv6cb3 wrote

Ok, if we assume the chances are not random, you can be right. I was just looking at it assuming any placement equally likely, in which case 1 bullet with spinning is 5/6 chance of survival in each round which yields approx. 40% survival overall, whereas 5 bullets or 1 bullet without spinning is 17% survival.


Green_Cartographer84 t1_ixvxcuq wrote

Hahaha, I was just being stupid anyway 🤣

I have heard that what I said is possible, but not like I've ever tested it lol.


AltaicRaider t1_ixmc5m2 wrote

Doesnt really matter with an automatic


Antique-Fly9292 t1_ixpnxan wrote

Did you switch it to fully automatic or semi automatic? I find that results vary depending.