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[deleted] t1_ix7gpru wrote


stillbatting1000 t1_ix7ouza wrote

Why can’t my species representation not fit me as well? For that matter, maybe I’m a Jew born in a black body, or an Asian born into a white body. Who are you to say? How dare you.


MarthaRosst t1_ix7u787 wrote

Because there is no species representation, meaning they are no social constructs. You cannot change your species, just like you cannot change your sex. Transsexual people might take medications or do surgeries that change their bodies physically, somewhat changing part of their sexual expression, but they can never change their entire sex, which is defined by many things including their genes.

Gender however, which is not tied to biological markers but social rules, can change. A hundred years ago women couldn’t wear trousers because wearing them would make them men and people found that unnatural. Some women wore them and anyway, some might have called them transgender at the time. Then gender stereotypes changed and it became socially accepted for women to wear trousers, and a woman wearing them isn’t seen as masculine nowadays.


[deleted] t1_ix7uhxc wrote



MarthaRosst t1_ix7vd2q wrote

Species are not defined by their behavior, but by their genes.

However gender is defined by behavior.


stillbatting1000 t1_ix7w3jf wrote

I didn't say "species" were defined by their genes. And so what if they are? But their behavior is malleable. A person can change their gender? A person can change their race or their "species" or whatever else they feel. Why can't a human be an elephant?


MarthaRosst t1_ix83kq3 wrote

No, you didn’t say it but I did. I am talking about animal species. You are in your own nonsensical speech which I don’t plan to take part in.

Notice how my vision is coherent, while yours is confused and ever-changing.