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doowgad1 t1_ixz7k41 wrote

Isn't he the fifty year old guy who hangs out on college campuses and screams at people?


therozzo t1_ixz88gz wrote

You got a hole in your left wing!


chernovgitz t1_ixz8zol wrote

That is the dumbest joke i’ve laughed at for a long time.


Gunch_Bandit t1_ixz9hbl wrote

Idk, if anything he makes the left wing look better while ruining the image of the right wing.


JHXC16 t1_ixzawdf wrote

If he does that, I'll just destroy the right wing as well. Mutually assured destruction.


Godloseslaw t1_ixzcbow wrote

He will try to destroy the left wing with a series of ever-increasingly absurd straw-man arguments.


lousydefender t1_ixzck36 wrote

I have a feeling Something is wrong with the left phalange


qbnphreaker t1_ixzcxpw wrote

I will tell you why it crashed, but first, let us talk about your life insurance policy.


young_fire t1_ixzp9o5 wrote

Ben Shapiro DESTROYS the Left Wing with FACTS and LOGIC. 251 dead, 3 injured, investigation ongoing.


CT_Jester t1_ixzshcp wrote

The joke isn't funny because even if Shapiro COULD damage the left wing, he'd keep the plane aloft with all his hot air.


BlueVestige t1_ixzt56z wrote

I like the comparison with an airplane. No one is happy when the right and left wings take different directions.


UniversityNo257 t1_ixzvunz wrote

Like most republican pundits he merely argues and switches the subject when it doesnt fit his narrative. Add a little bit of truth then hyperbole to make it look serious, use a lot of big words that totally confuse the uneducated rubes, then switch the subject again.

All while having no strategy to solve any of the things the topic addresses, blame, obfuscate, humiliate, and stick his chest out. That's the argument every single time by loudmouth like Ben Shapiro.


Middle_Data_9563 t1_iy03vbw wrote

the plane will fly normally.

only the dumbest people on the plane will think the left wing's been destroyed


no-one120 t1_iy3qtj9 wrote

Not a joke. Just friendly advice.