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RibaldPancake t1_ixuwy4a wrote

What do you call a doctor who graduated last in his med school class? Doctor.


MpVpRb t1_ixvgmqq wrote

What do you call the person who graduated at the bottom of their med school class?


Scary, ain't it


JSutt771 t1_ixvt02f wrote

All doctors are google docs. I worked in a hospital behind the scenes. I've seen how they operate. It's a God damned travesty they get paid what they do.

Edit: Lol, I found the doctors who are on reddit!


DiamondBurInTheRough t1_ixvt654 wrote

Anecdotal of course, but I would let some people who graduated near the bottom of my dental school class work on my teeth before some who graduated in the top 10. Class ranking ultimately doesn’t mean a whole lot in the grand scheme of things.


Embunny01 t1_ixvupeb wrote

I mean depends on education system of course but I hope/assume that the ones who graduated at “the bottom” still showed that they had learned and mastered “enough” to pass the level of required skills to get a medical degree.

Compared with the ones who didn’t graduate, even the ones who are at the “bottom” of the graduated ones should be competent enough to be a doctor. (Otherwise what’s the point with test people has to pass).

With that said unfortunately even in a good education system there probably are unprofessional/immoral doctors who weasel their way through


shajan316 t1_ixvyowr wrote

Your still waiting in the MS Office for over an hour


hebronbear t1_ixw7d4m wrote

Top third of the class make great scientists, middle third make great physicians, bottom third make great money.


Wendals87 t1_ixwscta wrote

it doesn't work that way. If they passed they are smart enough to be a doctor. If they passed but are at the bottom, they are still smart enough to be a doctor but just means there are other smarter people


Wendals87 t1_ixwsh4y wrote

so you expect doctors to know every single illness and treatment now and in the future without ever having to reference something? Of course they look things up whether that's a textbook or an online journal or database


zdevilinside t1_ixwv2k1 wrote

Doctor. Same as what you call the guy that finished last in their medical school class.


Jerryguy88 t1_ixx0hvj wrote

A students teach the B students to work for the C students


yurtfarmer t1_ixx47ld wrote

The schooling isn’t as important as you think , top or bottom, still pass, still doctor . The training, the residency is the key to their success.


JSutt771 t1_ixxfght wrote

I've watched doctors pull entire diagnoses from webmd. I've seen a doctor get paid seven figures to spend an average of five whole minutes with each of their patients because they're too busy "researching" the issues in their office (no, that does NOT include the patients that their nurses saw without them). I watched a freaking surgeon come into the doctor's lounge, look up a youtube video on how to perform a particular surgical technique, then return to the OR.

I say again; It's a God damned travesty they get paid what they do.


Kaioken_times_ten t1_ixxh1ua wrote

That is normal for them to look up stuff. I’m glad we have the technology so they can look up and refer stuff on the go.

I’m not a doc, but I still look up stuff on an everyday basis for my profession and I’m glad I have the means to.

Medicine has new information pouring in everyday and doctors never stop learning- its a ongoing process for the rest of their lives


Lord_Darth_Voldemort OP t1_ixxzr90 wrote

What do you call cartographers who graduated online?

  • Google Maps

RobertJSh t1_ixy27a0 wrote

Sir (military officers)


momquotes50 t1_ixy5rwq wrote

Probably the same thing you call a person who graduated last in medical school, "Doctor".


KenPC t1_ixyqmkc wrote

Take your damn updoot