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fugawf t1_iwvyqtj wrote

Damn you’re that dense? This is a joke about LOSING money, using the initial $44 billion as a reference to Twitter and how Elon is tanking it.

Like, starting with $44 billion and losing $24 billion would net you the $20 billion in the joke. Does that clarify it for you?


fugawf t1_iwvz8mu wrote

I’m the context of this joke, it depends on how much of the original $100 was lost, while you made the $20.

Get it? It’s a JOKE, not a grammar test.

I bet you’re fun at parties…


poolman42162 t1_iww19h5 wrote



JustJeff88 t1_iwwlmck wrote

There's an old wrestling joke from the territory days that is exactly this, but with a lot less money.


Jonherenow t1_iwwmiy3 wrote

How does Elon Musk get into a small social media business?

He buys a big one.


fugawf t1_iwwmocd wrote

No I get that. Technically that’s how it’s worded but I feel like a joke gets a little leeway. It came off like this:

Me: Knock, knock

Him: Who’s there?

Me: Banana

Him: HeY wAiT, bAnAnaS cAn’T tALk!!


superbowlmovement t1_iwwzkme wrote

Maybe a better way to phrase it is "how do you get a $20B business" not "MAKE" $20B.

I'm not sure Twitter is worth even that much anymore. Maybe worth $5B?


doctorsynth1 t1_iwx9kf4 wrote

Twitter is worth much less by Monday


KanePilkington t1_iwxa3oo wrote

I think the joke is worded wrong. 'how to make' makes it sound like he now has $64bn.


I think the joke is better worded (albeit not as financially accurate) if it's: How do you become a Millionaire after getting into (XYZ)? Start as a billionaire.


davidildo t1_iwxcqq7 wrote

You stole a joke from Elon Musk that he posted publicly. WTF man?


drew8311 t1_iwxffq0 wrote

Better than the crypto business


Dankjeoxp t1_iwxmetu wrote

Absolutely. We are barely hovering off the ground, basically held by a loose shoestring. Cut it already and let's get to the carving up of the states already!


GretalAlcoburgMalady t1_iwxrhz7 wrote

And still, you win. The joke's not on him, it's on everyone bleating on about it.


Oilers1970 t1_iwxvng0 wrote

What’s the fastest way to become a millionaire? Invest a billion dollars in an airline.


viper12a1a t1_iwxzy0q wrote

Something a lot of people won't acknowledge is that the company was always in financial free fall but was constantly getting money infusions from investors because of the societal influence it represented. I'm not sure if there was any point in time in which Twitter was in the black


wotmate t1_iwyccwk wrote

$20B? What do you mean $10B, it's definitely $5B.


sythingtackle t1_iwyeu4l wrote

Done in the voice of Tommy Cooper (british magician/comedian); I will now make this $44 billion disappear, poof $20 billion, audience applauds.


IsThereAnythingLeft- t1_iwygvbf wrote

That’s not making 20B though, you should have said how to get a 20B tech business


viper12a1a t1_iwyiyqk wrote

overpaid yeah for sure...burned it down? it's at it's highest traffic in the entire history of the site. the only reason advertisers pulled out is because they're gonna do exactly what they did with the youtube ad debacle. they're just gonna argue for better rates and come back anyway. This is just a marketing opportunity for them like it always is. these companies would advertise baby powder on bestgore if they felt it wouldn't damage the "brand" and would make them money.

We could also take into consideration that most twitter employees were barely working 4 hours a week, being massively overpayed, and what the fuck was with that 400$ per employee for food PER DAY? Bro, we're just getting a glimpse into just how fucked ALL tech companies are, the only difference is that Twitter now can't rely on investors pumping infinite amounts of money into the company. Unlike most tech companies, Twitter now has to actually make money, which it never has. It's anew concept for a lot of people to wrap their heads around.

(oh, and most of the people that were fired were the kinds of people most tech companies keep around in order to get rid of when budget cuts need to happen. Leeches.)


norrisrw t1_iwykwbb wrote

Elon Musk finally owns a company with a name appropriate for him.



billzybop t1_iwymylj wrote

He overpaid for it, it now has no revenue, almost no employees, and he's begging for programmers to show up. Not really sure what you call a business with no income and no employees.


viper12a1a t1_iwyoevy wrote

How about a business with no income and 5000 employees? That's what it was until now.

And you'll notice, despite the lack of "diversity and equity" departments, the site is still perfectly functional


nothingexceptfor t1_iwyp06r wrote

There’s another version of this joke:

Twitter is going to make Elon Musk a millionaire


GrabWorking3045 t1_iwyswdl wrote

It's hard making the first million. So start with the second.


ADHDWontLetMeGetUp t1_iwyt7l3 wrote

Do you start with $44b then make $20b.

You’ve still made $20b

Bad joke


AdligaTitlar t1_iwyvjck wrote

It's a quote from Richard Branson, which is similar to Musks quote which the poster stole.

"If you want to be a Millionaire, start with a billion dollars and launch a new airline."


Duckboy_Flaccidpus t1_iwyx9tz wrote

Also, the mass firings and such are being derised as loose and unwarranted. I think he's simply cutting some of the fat, gettting rid of the lazy and pairing things down suitably. All of silicon valley seems to be on precipice of layoffs, why not twit?


etbswfs t1_iwyy3q2 wrote

When the stock market crashes, do you call that trend, as well? Crypto has been around for over a decade already and will have it's ups and downs like other markets, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon.


ulterakillz t1_iwyzgte wrote

Ive always wanted a 250B dollar company, so when I hit 1T, i changed the name to meta, lost unprecedented amounts of money in a year, and finally reached my goal of 250 billion


Pokey-Face-1234 t1_iwz0l69 wrote

See now that shit makes me crazy. Company assets leveraged to support a takeover, has nothing to do with viability of the company, and burdens workers, customers, everyone involved. The people who benefit? Maybe they feel pressure to repay, after they dividend and special contract fortunes out to themselves.


Ordinary_Yam1866 t1_iwz6gzi wrote

It's the same starting amount in crypto if you want to make 100 bucks


SylvieJay t1_iwzcsv9 wrote

Start with $44B, and more balls than brains. Fire everyone, and give it a couple of weeks.


StarBliss t1_iwzstzo wrote

First heard this as:

How do you retire from farming with a million dollars in your pocket.

Start with two million dollars.


MysteryBeans t1_ix0foj1 wrote

I haven't heard about the 4 hour work weeks or the $400 a day food bills. Any links to info on this? Curious to read more to determine if this is legit or if you're just making stuff up.


melvinsylar7 t1_ix7r03k wrote

Bird Flu ✔️

This mark is to prove that the mark above is authentic ✔️

*we ran out of Blue checkmark as our supreme man child leader puts it on hold, so we replace it for you with the Green Mark