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pidgerii t1_j0j8rgz wrote

Judas, something tells me if I attend I will be very cross afterwards


8urfiat t1_j0jhzco wrote

They all skipped out and left the bill for Judas.

"Where am I going to get 30 pieces of silver"


Actual_Hyena3394 t1_j0jkk9l wrote

You have to give them credit though. Their dinner photo game was fire. Food displayed on the table and the people are all in the photo. The dinner table photos nowadays are basically a big table in the middle with everyone around craning their necks and most of the time there is at least one head missing.


Jasole37 t1_j0jyitd wrote

And Jesus spake unto his apostles

"Hey guys, what do you want to do for lunch?"


formykka t1_j0jzp1a wrote

"I wouldn't miss it if it was my last day on earth."


heyandy1 t1_j0k0ox0 wrote

I'll be coming if Mary's going.


Handsome_nhung t1_j0k83kw wrote

This isn’t funny, this is stupid as fuck.


Lucymygirl t1_j0k8opk wrote

Don’t appreciate. Keep scrolling


alldaywatcher t1_j0khbdb wrote

If there was a last one there must have been a one before that, so this, is the "Penultimate Supper"!


JoshTay t1_j0km3md wrote

Me thinks thou art a season early.


_dantastic t1_j0kp8yb wrote

Jesus: "Water for everyone!"

Waiter: "May I see your ID?"


01kickassius10 t1_j0kvkvt wrote

Jesus saw his apostles eating Chinese takeout and asked where they got it from.

Peter replied: “apparently Judas has come into some money”


pjbarnes t1_j0lju0x wrote

According to Scripture, Jesus already knew this was coming.

But this is still funny!


TomoyoHoshijiro t1_j0lmufd wrote

Tonight we feast. Tomorrow Judas is taking me to see Nine Inch Nails.


ran_melolo t1_j0mj8ek wrote

Judas just equals Tim Minchin for me now


tigellebotongum90 t1_j0mxs37 wrote

A priest, a minister, and a rabbi want to see who’s best at his job.

So each one goes into the woods, finds a bear, and attempts to convert it.Later, they all get together. The priest begins: “When I found the bear, I read to him from the catechism and sprinkled him with holy water. Next week is his first Communion.”

“I found a bear by the stream,” says the minister, “and preached God’s holy Word. The bear was so mesmerized that he let me baptize him.”

They both look down at the rabbi, who is lying on a gurney in a body cast.
“Looking back,” he says, “maybe I shouldn’t have started with the circumcision.”


screamloudly t1_j0n8bf5 wrote

“Hey redditors, are you coming to the next repost?”

“The what?”

“The post, are you coming to the post?”


Samakira t1_j0necjw wrote

and the 'last supper' was the feast for when they left Egypt, hence why it was a celebration of sorts. it also holds symbolism in that the supper eaten for leaving Egypt was when they 'left their captors', and the last supper was the supper eaten before Believers 'left their captor' (sin), in both cases being guided by God, albeit in the OT, a more literal guide.


Luked0g44O t1_j0nm75k wrote

Jesus walks into a motel office, drops three nails onto the counter, and asks the manager, “Can you put me up for the night?”


vietfromvietnam t1_j0u8itd wrote

Jesus: hey judas does Satan have a bbc? Sly grin.....