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stepanek112 OP t1_j1zjmct wrote

Man I don´t care enough to argue about this for so long, but if you don´t believe me, that´s on you


[deleted] t1_j1zm4f8 wrote



stepanek112 OP t1_j1zt1y7 wrote

You seem to be having a breakdown here though


[deleted] t1_j1zuj69 wrote



[deleted] t1_j1zxuzt wrote



Mindless-Calendar-20 t1_j1zyitq wrote

So what triggered you? Are you unoriginal? Do you claim credit for other people’s material? Do you love trump? Maybe a nice little mix of all the above?


avarneyhf t1_j204336 wrote

Bro I hate trump and you’re still pissing me off. I legit feel bad for you and your lack of self awareness and self esteem. Go see a therapist dawg


Blubrrypi_ t1_j1zyq9r wrote

Bro u ain’t funny seek help


Mindless-Calendar-20 t1_j1zzprf wrote

I’m not your bro and I’m not the one cracking jokes.


Blubrrypi_ t1_j2001h4 wrote

Mf u the one writing paragraphs for no goddamn reason over a joke


Mindless-Calendar-20 t1_j200s28 wrote

Wow thanks for telling me what I have done. I appreciate you helping me clear that up. If you think there was no reason then you didn’t / can’t read what I wrote. My money is on can’t, as in you can’t read. As in you are illiterate.


Blubrrypi_ t1_j201pw5 wrote

Bruh quit riding ur own dick and do something useful I ain’t gonna entertain ur stupid ass just cuz someone made a joke that hurt ur feelings with ur living paycheck to paycheck headass


Mindless-Calendar-20 t1_j2022lx wrote

You still never answered what got you triggered? What did I say that triggered your emotional response? You obviously feel some type of way about me. You have jumped to so many conclusions about who I am? What triggered you?


stepanek112 OP t1_j20dv6q wrote

You def need to take your pills today man


[deleted] t1_j20f2hf wrote



stepanek112 OP t1_j20ilyu wrote

My life is sad ? Man you should read what you write. Now I'm just here for the laughs. I didn't want to be replying but now I'm just thrilled to see how crazy you can get.


stepanek112 OP t1_j1zsy8b wrote

Argue ? I said if you want to believe it's up to you


Tiberius462 t1_j1zw8uc wrote

Angsty edgelords will find issue where there is none. It has been so since the beginning.

Give him some space to get it all out. Then have his momma pick him up. Only way to deal with tantrum throwing toddlers.