Submitted by sunflour4 t3_zzn50r in Jokes

He says to sales lady "I would like to buy a Baptist bra for my wife, size 36B."
With a quizzical look the sales lady asked "what kind of bra?"

He repeated a "Baptist bra, she said to tell you she wanted a Baptist bra, and you would know what she wanted."

"Ah now I remember" said the sales lady, "we don't get as many requests for them as we used to mostly our customers lately want the Catholic bra, or the Salvation Army bra, or the Presbyterian type."

Confused a little flustered, the man asks "So, what are the differences?"

The lady responded "It's all really quite simple a Catholic type supports the masses The Salvation Army lifts the Fallen the Presbyterian type keeps things staunching and upright."

He mused on the information for a minute and then asks "So. what is the Baptist type for?"

"They" she replied "make mountains out of molehills."



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Cpt_Copycat t1_j2crlra wrote

A woman went to the departement store and asked for a maternity bra.

"What bust?" asked the saleswoman.

" The fucking condom" she replied.


sherriffflood t1_j2d07qk wrote

A dyslexic walked into a bra


HeyAUser t1_j2d1wmr wrote



Last_Green9169 t1_j2dxrwm wrote

Sorry, I suffer from a very sexy learning disability. Kif, what's the name of it?

Kif - groans Sexlexia


Silly_Cone_In_Plants t1_j2e8e3h wrote

Sexlexia. Is that the where one orgasms, has sex and then foreplay?

I think I have this. I just forget the foreplay.


hmmmfunnyjoke t1_j2fmmgl wrote

A dyslexic walked into a bank : Hands in the air mother stickers, this is a fuck up!


PinQueasy3200 t1_j2dybm8 wrote

Somehow we've bridged over to semi-clean religious jokes. So. What is every Amish women's dream?

Two Menonite


Spaceace91478 t1_j2dz73r wrote

Did you hear about the Amish serial killer?

He got the acoustic chair...


OverallManagement824 t1_j2e48p9 wrote

Man, nicely done! I can't tell if this is stupid or funny and that's amusing to me!


CatherinePiedi t1_j2dx7bs wrote

What’s the difference between a Baptist & a Methodist? A Methodist will speak to you in the liquor store


SuzyLouWhoo t1_j2e6c53 wrote

How do you keep a Baptist from drinking all your beer?

Invite two


illiteret t1_j2faywk wrote

Both jokes in Utah change both to Mormon.


coyoteatemyhomework t1_j2fx0ja wrote

Old joke but why dont baptist have sex standing up? Some one might see them an think they are dancing.


SonTyp_OhneNamen t1_j2d3omp wrote

I‘ve known the catholic bra to work like this: one opens it on the back, and on the front two fall on the knees.

(Grammatically wonky in english, sorry, it works better in its original (?) language.)


[deleted] t1_j2d4z2g wrote

Pretty good in English translation too lol


Ytrog t1_j2dosjy wrote

What would a pastafarian bra be? 🤔


heartofgold48 t1_j2cw4m0 wrote

There is no atheist bra because it doesn't exist


hsvsunshyn t1_j2dvx6c wrote

Or, an atheist bra only supports what can be proven to exist. It is like an anti-Wonderbra.

The bigger question is what an agnostic bra would be.


heartofgold48 t1_j2dwkw8 wrote

An agnostic bra isn't too sure whether it exists or not


pizzagirilla t1_j2fd1p3 wrote

Me, I need a Cowtown Bra. Rounds them up and heads them in the right direction...


StanUbeki t1_j2fcaql wrote

A Rabbi, a Priest and a Minister walk into a bar. The bartender says "Is this the start of a joke?"


cletim t1_j2fh60w wrote

A priest, a minister and a rabbit walk into a bar. The rabbit says “I think I’m a typo!”


coyoteatemyhomework t1_j2fxcqy wrote

A dyslexic agnostic with insomnia lays in bed all night wondering if there really is a dog