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MansfromDaVinci t1_j1ercex wrote

Reply to comment by Taloniano in Why does Hitler hate golf? by LilGoughy

I'd say the capitalist nirvana is what they have now, weak enforcement of rules by the state, weak contribution to infrastructure, but massive handouts and bailouts of tax money collected for them by governments. In an actual pure free market, near anarchy, the communal structures would likely collapse and the capitalist institutions would go tits up soon after.

The Romans and other empires went in for deporting peoples en mass, after all the Persians and Babylonians did it to the Jews millenia before hilter or stalin.

Most of the problems with Russian communism were that it was authoritarian and dictatorial which is not an inherent part of socialist dotrine, but there was also the intrinsic problem that 'everyone's benefit' is not as strong a motivator as 'my benefit' and so there was widespread apathy and corruption.