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SemenaristSatani t1_j26re6c wrote

Hahahaha, a priest having sex with a woman who's over 18. Two jokes in one.


Bubbly-Wolverine-206 t1_j26xmaw wrote

A priest having sex with a woman, a married woman, and a woman over 18. That makes 3 jokes haha


spad3x t1_j289xwl wrote

A priest having sex with a woman, a married woman, a woman over 18, and a religious woman that's cheating on her husband. That makes 4 jokes haha


ExtremeGaming18 t1_j28xnnr wrote

A priest having sex with a woman, a married woman, a woman over 18, and a religious woman that's cheating on her husband, and the priest not having sex with the young boy. Thats 5 jokes hahah


OverallManagement824 t1_j293fg9 wrote

Religious women cheat all the time. Just like the religious men do. Their religion gives them a free pass to do horrible shit because "God will forgive them". If you think about that, it's a horrible message. No, there is no god that will forgive your sins. If you are an asshole, everybody will know you're an asshole and you will someday die an asshole and be buried as an asshole and your god is make-believe, so you'll just be an asshole for eternity and that will be your only legacy on Earth. So consider your actions wisely.


PancakesandV8s t1_j29tglj wrote

no, the message is: God will forgive them if they truly repent.

Repenting includes: knowing you fucked up, admitting to yourself you fucked up and that you shouldn't have fucked up.

It isn't a like a Presidential Pardon for your soul just because.

however, most Christians don't get that deep into bible study anyway, so you have an excellent point.


nnsomniac t1_j29v0ho wrote

Guys there is no God because u/OverallManagement824 said so!!


OverallManagement824 t1_j2a2d93 wrote

That's not the reason.


BigMouse12 t1_j2a67vu wrote

This is r/jokes and you just got really serious like it’s r/Christianity


OverallManagement824 t1_j2a6ilg wrote

You're right. Sometimes I forget which sub I'm in. Especially when I'm bouncing from one to the next.


funkyonion t1_j2aasll wrote

You sound like an asshole.


OverallManagement824 t1_j2ab4dc wrote

Well, since this is a joke sub -

Exactly how often have you put your ear up to a butthole?


BigMouse12 t1_j2a61no wrote

You mean women cheat all the time, just like men do. It’s not like religion makes people more or less likely to cheat. But I get your follow up that religious people will take high ground on based in empty words. Non-repeople will to of course, but at least their self-superiority and self-righteousness is upfront and not hiding behind a deity.


PillarsofCreation76 t1_j2a7kzz wrote

I don’t agree, but man… perspective! This is an excellent statement that’s funny on the back end.


ItBeMe_For_Real t1_j29duh0 wrote

My first thought too. But it’s actually not uncommon. Just not very scandalous or illegal so not newsworthy. Being from a large catholic family I’ve known a few couples where one or both were priest or nun who fell in love & left the clergy. Basically choosing love over your job. Hell, there are corporate jobs where dating co-worker can get you fired.


mrkhan2000 t1_j284030 wrote

nobody said anything about the women being over 18