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enoughPhase752 t1_j2e6vuo wrote

Nice joke, but it doesn’t actually work.At 6:30 the hour hand is half-way to the number 7 already, it is not pointing down.

The closest you can actually get to ‟hands down” is 6:28.

(Or around 6:27:30 if you’ve a seconds hand as well, or between 6:27:41 and 6:27:42 if you do not have a seconds hand and your minute hand moves continuously, as opposed to jumping once per minute.)

And yes, I’m fun at parties, thanks for noticing :)


GloriousGigaChad t1_j2erzn3 wrote

Well this is true only if you take in mind that the clock is perfectly angled and it's not tilting at either side.