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neeto_mosqueeto t1_j28h13j wrote

It comes in a regular size box, but it’s a tiny little thing.


SylvieJay t1_j29fc2p wrote

They're honoring Greta and getting rid of the plastic top lid support/prop-up. Replacing that with the small sausage.


PHANX0M t1_j2c34ba wrote

and then replacing the small sausage w/ beyond meat!


FluxOrbit t1_j29739g wrote

No No No, AT is resevered for only the largest boxes.


oblivia17 t1_j28uebg wrote

Who is this guy, and why is every sub on Reddit suddenly bombarding me with his name?


DudeManBroGuy42069 t1_j29aldi wrote

He's Caillou, but an adult


Wannagetsober t1_j29mdu0 wrote

This is the absolute best description of him that I have seen yet


letterstosnapdragon t1_j2anmlr wrote

What is a Caillou?!


ArenSteele t1_j2ao7kx wrote

A comic strip about a 2 year old toddler. But when they made it a cartoon, they aged him up to be like 8-10, but didn’t change his stories or behaviour, so it’s a 10 year old who acts like a 2 year old. Kids who watched the show developed obvious behaviour problems, kicking and screaming when things didn’t go exactly how they wanted, just like Caillou.


IIIaustin t1_j2acw7e wrote

And a nazi


Terrible_Carrot_1967 t1_j2amlts wrote

Nazi seems to have lost all its meaning


IIIaustin t1_j2an693 wrote

Oh sorry he is a misogynist reactionary that is not a formal member of the nazi party but is really popular with fascists


Terrible_Carrot_1967 t1_j2ap7zv wrote

Nazis werent exactly famous for being mysogonists


IIIaustin t1_j2apub9 wrote


Yeah man people that respected women made those breeding programs

Anyway, It's just sparkling fascism unless it comes from Bavaria


[deleted] t1_j2arjdx wrote



IIIaustin t1_j2as09i wrote

Fascists are also misogynist brain genius


ShadowWolfee_34 t1_j28xinj wrote

He is just a misogynistic selfproclaimed alpha manchild with a toxic view on womens rights. Don't sweat it. He got banned from various social platforms a few months ago for his venomous hate speech in favor of degrading half the human population to reproducing sex slaves.


Finchley99 t1_j295l21 wrote

What upsets me about his content is the extent it gets shown to younger generations. I'm 23 male, and I'm constantly barraged with his misogynistic and backwards antics all over tiktok, Instagram and youtube shorts, even after his ban people would upload his content for him to this day. I report every video I see and tell the platform I'm not interested, however I still get videos. Just goes to show how easy it is for younger generations to be presented with his videos, and how only a small amount of interaction can launch you into a rabbithole of misogyny. If you weren't aware of him before power to you, but for the minds of the younger generation, we need to stop seeing this man and anyone like him off all social media


Western-Image7125 t1_j2976rp wrote

Just curious, which platforms have you banned him in but he still keeps showing? Is it just Tiktok or IG and YT shorts too?


ShadowWolfee_34 t1_j29babj wrote

I don't know. I personally haven't banned him anywhere as I am one of those he hates. A highly educated woman with self respect and ambitions.

I think that he got booted off Instagram and one other platform for his poisonous retoric by the platforms themselves. And those platforms are among those I never felt compelled to use.


MonkeySinger24 t1_j28x3z9 wrote

He’s a dude that gives “advice on females” when it’s really just being sexist and misogynistic. He was recently arrested in Romania for sex trafficking.


Kaethy77 t1_j2abd6s wrote

He got arrested after making a home video in which he trolled Greta Thunberg, the climate activist. He said bring me the pizza and don't recycle the box. He posted this video on Twitter while in hiding in Romania from his sex trafficking charges. The people responsible for finding him watched that video and probably found him from the pizza box identification. He was arrested the next day. Greta posted on Twitter, "this is what happens when you don't recycle your pizza box" He didn't have to interact with Greta at all, he started the exchange and he kept it going. So, Greta for the win.


drawnred t1_j2amnmy wrote

Romanian police said the pizza box is just a rumor and it had nothing to do with his arrest or determining his location

E: I have been informed thats bs, from a bs source


Kaethy77 t1_j2b72l9 wrote

Well he was arrested the next morning, right? Sounds like a likely scenario.


samsonity t1_j2apgjp wrote

Culture Jamming billionaire that annoys people.


aintmyasphalt t1_j2ahjju wrote

Don't say that you are tired of seeing his name or you will get accused of defending him.


the_original_Retro t1_j28d0up wrote

Comes with optional ghost peppers, just in case you weren't burned enough already.


jimboiow t1_j2885in wrote

I’ve just snorted tea over my iPad. This is gold. Today cannot get any better.


toastbutbutter t1_j288eku wrote



jimboiow t1_j2892qr wrote

The tea gave it away didn’t it?


toastbutbutter t1_j2895qd wrote

Yup it did, I should know I'm British too


akennelley t1_j2907i5 wrote

Small world???


toastbutbutter t1_j290dpq wrote

Only because of the empire over the world, other than that? Nope, just 2 brits taking a break


akennelley t1_j290sht wrote

I'm American, but I love tea, Doctor Who, Brit-coms and I have bad teeth. I just wanted to feel like I was part of something. :(


Colt1911-45 t1_j2c5943 wrote

We Americans like tea as well. I prefer Lipton.


MMeNDtal t1_j289u5h wrote

I know this is a joke, but... they 100% should do something like this.


Western-Image7125 t1_j2994nz wrote

This is funny and all but - why are we giving this guy more and more publicity? Making fun of him, talking about he should be banned, just makes more and more people curious about him. I hadn’t heard of this guy until people started talking about how much he’s an asshole and needs to be banned and hahaha what a loser he got banned everywhere. Like, enough. I wish I could go back to when I never heard of him. At least I wish he can go back to total anonymity so I don’t have to hear about him again.


quotidian_nightmare t1_j29twk0 wrote

>Making fun of him, talking about he should be banned, just makes more and more people curious about him.

I'm genuinely curious: when people say this, do they really think it will convince others not to talk about him?

It's the Internet, dude. Don't like hearing about Andrew Taint? Wait five minutes. I'm sure Donald Trump or Elon Musk will do/say something hideous to steal back the limelight soon enough.


Western-Image7125 t1_j29yapt wrote

I’m pretty sure my wish that people will stop talking about him won’t happen, it’s just wishful thinking. But yeah you’re right you just reminded of the glory days of 2016-2020 when every single day the news made me wanna crawl into the earth in depression.


[deleted] t1_j2amk0x wrote



Western-Image7125 t1_j2dbulk wrote

Autistic teen you mean Greta is autistic? I had no idea, it increases my respect for her as a person though


FortySixAndPoo t1_j29gecp wrote

It’s bizarre. I literally hadn’t heard of the guy before last night (on Reddit) and now it’s like the most popular meme or supposed to be common knowledge? Very strange.


Western-Image7125 t1_j29k44m wrote

It is very strange and not in a god or even interesting way. Just want this guy to disappear already


Finwolven t1_j2d17em wrote

Well, he's a human trafficker, a rapist, serial abuser, and his content gets pushed by the worst people on the internet.

I guess it would be helpful if when anyone runs into his bs views on life, that they know they're listening to the opinions of a rapist human trafficker and abuser.


looneyben t1_j2aiat6 wrote

Also funny that those on Epstein’s client list from Maxwells recent court appearance don’t have this publicly


offft2222 t1_j29k3x3 wrote

Honestly because the turn of events is too good to be true

He is such a POS and the universe delivered

It explains how he has so many cars in his fleet, trafficking pays well and podcasting doesn't pat that well


Western-Image7125 t1_j29m1zg wrote

Knowing that a POS like him got what he deserved, is still somehow less preferable to never knowing he existed


ColtS117 t1_j2clrb2 wrote

I never heard of him until Greta said he had a small dick.


lifesoidot t1_j2advds wrote

I agree. I hadn’t heard of him before now. I just refer to him as AT (which immediately translates in my head to Aqua Turd).


zakiducky t1_j2cczd8 wrote

Jerry’s sales must be going through the roof right now lol


IcyOrange6261 t1_j29c0jm wrote

it’s one of those 8 minute delivery or it’s free pizzas


DukeOfDrywall t1_j2bbib7 wrote

Boy oh boy. You guys are giving this guy more and more free ads.

You have a hard on for this dude. He knows it. The more people hear and know his name the more money he will make. Plain and simple

You’d do better to forget about his ass


JonnyRebel357 t1_j2c88z2 wrote

It's like eminem in 98 any publicity is good publicity 1 million people never heard of him now they all know.


KitchenAd4865 t1_j2981sb wrote

What color is your Pizza Box anyway?


Mikesaidit36 t1_j299nqf wrote

I’m just gonna buy them, throw out the pizzas, and recycle the box.


slightlyassholic t1_j29pmur wrote

Oh they are missing one hell of an opportunity if they don't do something like that.


BearCubNudge t1_j29x9ij wrote

Jerry's can add small potatoes to the pizza topping and call it Tater in a box.


Both_Suspect_36 t1_j2a12bt wrote

Imagine if he owned that pizza place


Finwolven t1_j2d1fxr wrote

Well, he tried to 'own' Greta, and see where thst got him. Also he seems to think he can literally own people and force them to make porn videos to make him money, so fuck him. Literally.


cbunni666 t1_j2a3c66 wrote

Ooh. Ooh. Jerry's


Visible-Concern3286 t1_j2bbluq wrote

It would likely be a doughless top of a pizza with those foolish enough to buy one quickly realizing it sucks


Ultraeasymoney t1_j2btiok wrote

It should also come with his location.


AngryRinger t1_j2by027 wrote

Alternate punchline: Lil bits


MannKind_ t1_j2bzpel wrote

i dont even like tate but this is just cringe and clearly karma farming


RevealSpare8167 t1_j2c0qzy wrote

A lot of people on Reddit know a lot about this man’s cock.


Disorderly_Chaos t1_j2cyfuy wrote

Why not a cold extremely cheesy thin skinned small sausage pizza that was probably okay 10 years ago?


chrissydvd t1_j2cyhxk wrote

Why oh why didn’t Jerrys read the 2015 study on who eats the most pizza..sol now..


zyndor t1_j2czicv wrote

All I’m saying is, I’d love to see this stunt as the AT⚡️GT duo trying to start up their renewable energy venture called Small Dick Energy.


Gjoobsupremacy t1_j2d00yt wrote

I was thinking Top Cheese but this is a lot better


MurfinSurfin t1_j2d0bu8 wrote

I’m just waiting for the film ‘Tiny Man Tate’


DayOdd8171 t1_j29uf0b wrote

I thought they already had a good out there commemorating him. It's called a Tater Tot.


Maximum-Section-4 t1_j2aizb0 wrote

I thought with Andrew Tate you ordered a large meat lovers pizza but got a large pizza box with a large cow patty (cow poop) inside.


ManuelWenner t1_j2b15bq wrote

The first pizza without content


clonedspork t1_j2b1bzl wrote

Prefer they call it the Tater Tot but don't know if Romanians would get the joke.


JonnyRebel357 t1_j2c7uzy wrote

Pile on I guess. What makes him the worst man on the planet? You do know people still own slaves right? What about the war crimes in Ukraine? Nope just some guy who said stuff. Got it. Lol backwards af


Fominroman2 t1_j29h22d wrote

They also offer the Greta…it comes burnt


lifesoidot t1_j2ab4h8 wrote

To be fair, I think the AT should be the one that comes burnt.


True_Pen69 t1_j2a3d0d wrote

Funny how all these liberals are getting all angry 😤


Perturabo_IVth t1_j2a58n3 wrote

I know right! How dare they get annoyed at someone arrested for human trafficking!!!!!!!!!


True_Pen69 t1_j2ef066 wrote

Lol with no proof, really shows how well the elite control your tiny retarded minds without y’all knowing it, also where’s the proof that’s right there isn’t any because he didn’t do it 🤣😂


Perturabo_IVth t1_j2ef7qz wrote

Of course, my mistake. Everyone knows the police release all of their evidence during an investigation.


True_Pen69 t1_j2efno1 wrote

There is no fucking evidence they r fucking Romanian you think there police for is americas gov. 😂🤣 goodness people like you need to go back to school, and quit painting little figures loser, Brokie


Perturabo_IVth t1_j2em35d wrote

At least it’s fun an entertaining, instead of spending my time defending an incel and investing in crypto


True_Pen69 t1_j2enhmw wrote

Yea at least I’ll be a wealthy person doing whatever I want without the matrix affecting me, who gives a rats ass about fun and entertaining when your a brokie, kronie loser. I’ll be enjoying life on a beach or Paris or whatever 😂🤣😇


[deleted] t1_j29h7rt wrote



Ganakus t1_j29rkjq wrote

Nice pearl clutching..

Unless it's a known fact he has a small penis it's more of a childish joke (uhh see the sub name) than body shaming.

Ironically I think Andrew Tate would probably say the term body shaming is some beta snowflake mindset so not sure he'd even want this "looking for offence" response in his defence


j3ffh t1_j2b7wt2 wrote

If anyone here has a small penis, speak up and I will apologize on OP's behalf.


Yogurtvalue5735 t1_j28trkn wrote

let's see his dick and confirm this once and for all


Finwolven t1_j2d1bez wrote

I mean, he posted the contents of his garage, that's already pretty damning evidence.


No-Example-XO t1_j29ch4v wrote

Shaming and laughing at men around the world for no reason.


Kittycat4779 t1_j29ki6k wrote

We're shaming one particular man. We have plenty of reasons for it and no, his penis is not one of them. I'm pretty sure most people are extremely uninterested in his penis. It's his fan boys that keep bringing it up.


MemeGraveYard666 t1_j2bhq7v wrote

could you actually even remotely imagine this happening with a female person of interest but instead relating it to weight? this sub has fallen pretty heavy bias to double standards and you cant convince me that calling a dudes penis small isn’t body shaming. you are directly implying that its a bad characteristic by making it the butt of a joke. sugar coat it all you want but this is the reason double standards exist. also, bring in the downvotes, because i wont let up on this opinion


Sqwoopadoop t1_j29jx1c wrote

There are plenty of reasons to mock this particular man.


According_Account346 t1_j29dh1h wrote

Actually, we’re only laughing at one manlet.


No-Example-XO t1_j29er98 wrote

Is he a manlet because of the size of his penis? Are all men under a certain size manlets?(less than men)


Kat121 OP t1_j2anq0a wrote

This morning I do feel guilty for body shaming. At the time I thought it was cool because she said “small dick ENERGY”, suggesting that a confident alpha male wouldn’t feel the need to grandstand to a teenage girl. Psychologically devastating to a guy like that, and all his little tater tots saw.

But on behalf of all the guys out there who have a small penis and are NOT misogynistic crap piles of obvious consumption, ignorance, and hate - I apologize and promise not to use SDE as a slur again.


No-Example-XO t1_j2aumcu wrote

The very first empathetic reply to my sentiment across many posts. I really appreciate you for that.


Inked-Sailor t1_j2ddcnp wrote

Ah sympathy for someone who thinks they are better than you and proved they are trash. Way to pick a winner.