Submitted by Idgettrucker t3_zuey7k in Jokes

And St. Peter said, "Well, I checked you out, and you meet all of the qualifications. But there’s one problem."

"We have some tough zoning laws up here, and we keep all of the oil prospectors over in that pen. And as you can see, it is absolutely chock-full. There is no room for you.’"

And the prospector said, "Do you mind if I just say four words?"

St. Peter said, "No harm in that."

So the prospector cupped his hands and yells out, "Oil discovered in hell!"

And of course, the lock comes off the cage and all of the oil prospectors start heading right straight down.

St. Peter said, "That’s a pretty slick trick. So," he says, "go on in, make yourself at home. All the room in the world."

The prospector paused for a minute, then said, "No, I think I’ll go along with the rest of the boys. There might be some truth to that rumor after all."



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Professor-Clegg t1_j1je2fb wrote

I don’t get it


maincoderhoon t1_j1jin3d wrote

Keep digging


alphaomag t1_j1jy4pn wrote

Oil prospector goes to hell cause there might be oil present. He also takes all of the other prospectors in enough with him


Due_Platypus_3913 t1_j1k70tf wrote

Even he believed it?All a prospector can ever think about?


woistmeinkopf_1 t1_j1m7cik wrote

Just think of oil prospectors like cryptocurrency miners, but they have to actually go somewhere.