Submitted by 12altoids34 t3_zydm0i in Jokes

He reaches out with his trunk and grabs a branch. He attempts to haul himself in but the branch brakes and he begins sinking even quicker. The elephant begins yelling for help and a Mouse runs up "What's wrong Mr elephant?" said the mouse " I am stuck in quicksand and sinking to my Doom.please save me" the elephant replies " fear not, Noble pachyderm,," said the mouse:" for I will return forthwith with a method to your salvation" And the mouse ran off back into the jungle. The elephant tried to wait as patiently as he could, but minute by minute he felt him slowly being sucked down. Just as his eyes were about to sink below the surface he heard a rumbling and a large monster truck pulled up. The mouse jumped out ran to the back grabbed a rope tied it to the bumper and threw the Rope to the elephant. " hang on dear friend" the mouse yelled as he put the Roaring truck into gear. A few moments later the elephant was safely back on dry land. " o Valiant Mouse I am forever indebted to you and I thank you on behalf of my wife and children for my life" The mouse gives him a thumbs up jumps in the monster truck and Roars off back into the jungle.

A few months later the mouse is scampering through the woods when suddenly he realizes that he has wandered inquicksand and is quickly sinking. " help! Help! "He yells " I am in peril and fear this shall be my last day"

From far away he hears a loud" boom boom boom boom" and feels the ground shake. The elephant runs into the clearing and yells out to the mouse. "O mouse my dearest friend, what dread falls upon you this day?" The elephant asks " I too have fallen victum to this vile quicksand" says the mouse.. He reaches down into his pockets and withdraws a set of keys." Here my fine friend, take my keys and return post haste with my vehicle" " nay my Boon companion that will not be necessary". The elephant says. And with that he reaches between his legs and pulls out his penis. He unrolls it across the quicksand and the mouse grabs it by the head. The elephant takes a few steps back and pulls the mouse to safety. " I thank you kind sir for saving my life. I call our debt canceled"

The two shake hands and then walk off into the forest and different directions.

And the moral to this story is " if you're hung like an elephant you don't need a lifted truck"



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pancakespanky t1_j26jo93 wrote

I prefer the original take on this one as the punchline has a better pun to it

>A horse on a farm falls into some quick sand and is sinking. One of the baby chickens sees and hurries over to the farmers truck and backs it up to the edge of the quick sand. He uses the winch to pull the horse to safety > > >a few weeks later the baby chicken slips amd falls into the same quick sand. The baby chicken calls out to the horse to get the truck. The horse acting quickly, simply stands over the quicksand and squats down and the baby chicken is able to grab the horses penis and pull himself free. > > >which just goes to show, if you're hung like a horse you don't need a big truck to pick up chicks


12altoids34 OP t1_j27y5bk wrote

I've heard a different version but it's also a third version. Never heard your version before.


AcademicApplication1 t1_j25ch80 wrote

There's no reason to have a large penis, most of the time you just end up causing your partner pain, and then you start hating sex


CuddlingWolf t1_j26bwil wrote

I confirm their statement, thereby establishing my own impressive length and girth. Solidarity.


Waitsfornoone t1_j25d936 wrote

My wife's line: "The bigger the truck, the smaller the tool."


boganiser t1_j28sjwk wrote

I am used to a horse and a mouse. And if you're hung like a horse, you don't need a Porsche.