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The_Trauma_Zulu t1_j69tf8p wrote

Takes billionaire money to spread anti-union propaganda. He believes the people who do these Dirty Jobs don't deserve to be paid a living wage.


Fuzzy_Inevitable9748 t1_j69vs67 wrote

He sure does a good job of larping as a blue collar worker while stabbing them in the back.


EduK8_ t1_j6bhgy3 wrote

Actually, that’s not true at all. He promotes the fair wages for people that work hard but may not be compensated appropriately bc of the existing stigma against manual labor in this country. He isn’t anti-union….he’s anti-unfair wages. And, if you actually knew anything about him, he is a champion for those who work those dirty jobs. He gives hundreds of thousands of dollars away every year in scholarship money for students who are being trained to perform the dirty jobs he does on the show.


Jojall t1_j6elzs4 wrote

True, that is the character he plays on TV.


Nitzelplick t1_j6cu34h wrote

Sure. But he’s a millionaire television producer/host trained as an opera singer pretending to be blue collar and parroting right wing propagande about the decline of manhood from his San Francisco mansion. But #11 on the sweat pledge “I do not resent the success of others.”
