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EmpiricSemester585 t1_j68fh6b wrote

Although the boy DOES lick the cone, and not the ice cream itself?


ICameHereToDrink t1_j68gh2z wrote

Yes, because the ice cream was melting, so he had to lick it off the cone so he wouldn’t lose it.


Fit_Wolverine7706 t1_j69bn53 wrote

Coz the day he starts licking the ice cream, it melts and the game is over.


corinalas t1_j69321z wrote

Licking the ice cream cone the whole thing is described as his cone. Why single out cone from the cream?


StableSweaty9693 t1_j69o7us wrote

I think it's a unit of measure. Like having a slice. The word slice encompasses the entire food.