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jetty_junkie t1_j6570kd wrote

I have a father out-law. My wife’s father is wanted in 3 states


jetty_junkie t1_j657ba2 wrote

I have a first cousin once removed. He was deported several years ago


TAway69420666 t1_j658bqr wrote

One time I was renting a kayak and an old man sitting nearby told me to be careful, he once had a cousin who went kayaking and got run over by a boat and chopped right in half


Brief-Lingonberry860 t1_j677u0b wrote

Our pre-wedding celebration was called “In-laws & Outlaws” because a heap of our guests were bikers and other fun people.

I made up a flyer/invite with a big banner heading, mainly to annoy the crap out of my wife’s dad. She didn’t get along with him, (no one else does either) but he was trying to push fancy wedding that would impress a few of his rich business associates. So we had a party (sort of like a hens night/bucks party) and announced to everyone that we were going to piss off to Vegas to get married.


SirThatsCuba t1_j67kgn9 wrote

I've had some body parts removed and I use this joke when I'm feeling afraid. "honey, I'm sorry I'm only 84.2% of a man."


Luked0g44O t1_j67pbc5 wrote

How many cops does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. They’d just arrest the bulb for being broke, and beat the living shit out of the room for being dark.


Luked0g44O t1_j67pjkp wrote

I went on this blind date once.

I just couldn’t see dating her again after that.


jlionbad t1_j686zx2 wrote

I asked him what happened and he just said: "You don't know the half of it."