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Gil-Gandel t1_j5prxuo wrote



Are hard;

But even so

Just follow one simple rule

And you will understand it all soon enough

Or get this far, decide not to bother, and give up for good.


gotbetterbro t1_j5p9krd wrote

The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two that precede it. Starting at 0 and 1, the sequence looks like this: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on forever. The Fibonacci sequence can be described using a mathematical equation: Xn+2= Xn+1 + Xn.


RecalcitrantHuman t1_j5r03ky wrote

Are we just gonna gloss over how we get from 0 to 1?


RevolutionaryRough37 t1_j5r5ybb wrote

They're the base cases of the recursion and are therefore 0 and 1 by definition. You need two base cases because the recursive function uses the previous two numbers in the series to calculate the current one.

Edit: Sorry calling them base cases is inaccurate since that's another thing entirely in recursion. The reason they're defined stands though, the recurrence requires two initial values to work.


DieFlavourMouse t1_j5s0mlz wrote

>Are we just gonna gloss over how we get from 0 to 1?

In the beginning there was nothing...


RibaldPancake t1_j5oftwi wrote

Of course, this could also be a sequence starting with 1 and adding 0, 1, 2, 3 … so maybe not so easy.

Bonus: If you have only one element of a Fibonacci sequence in Mexico it’s a Fibbinacho.


dizzley t1_j5pfdxc wrote

I thought Fibbinacho was the act of pretending you don't have any nachos?


1982MJG t1_j5qbr9v wrote

The Fibonacci sequence also has something to do with the Golden Ratio. That’s pretty cool to. Most things in nature are created using this.


Argruss t1_j5qrimn wrote

Random facts about Fibonacci’s sequence: Author is Leonardo Bonacci also known as Fibonacci. (He is son of Gustav Bonacci an Italian merchant. That “Fi” before Bonacci means he is son of someone) Fibonacci played with rabbit reproduction and created this sequence. If you express Fibonacci’s sequence in vector space with two last numbers as bases, it will converge to the golden ratio. (Look it up at the exact math explanation) We have equation for the n-th Fibonacci number which is based on the golden ratio.


RibaldPancake t1_j5rk7iz wrote

So Fibonacci was a furry? Or maybe he played with rabbit reproduction in a less naughty way...


newjersey238 t1_j5ryeri wrote

I only know about the sequence thru the episode of Criminal Minds with guest star Jason Alexander. Thanks goes to you Dr. Spencer Reid!


Ok_Climate_9254 t1_j5stxj5 wrote

Black then white are all I see in my infancy Red and yellow then came to be, reaching out to me Lets me see.


lbell1703 t1_j5qayjy wrote

Damn I didn't know what that was when I took an IQ test and figured it out without knowing about it??
