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cleanjoker40 t1_j62c62r wrote

That’s actually not a bad idea I will have to do that with my kid


F_Squad t1_j62mieb wrote

Bring your mom to school day?


Shapk145 t1_j634wd7 wrote

Next day CPS will be there for your help..


veneno11 t1_j63muq0 wrote

You mean your dog ate your homework? NO. MY DAD


old_farmer t1_j64hgm3 wrote

There are millions of people that say, "it might be true, but I don't believe it."


sam_the_beagle t1_j65az88 wrote

So what's the homework? Geology? Is he eating rocks?


Furby-beast-1949 t1_j65f76i wrote

Y’all that’s the oldest trick in the book The dog ate my homework😅😅😅😅


Honest_Language_2688 t1_j65m9mk wrote

I sent this to my 15yo grandson and he sent me a smiley face with tears running out both eyes.


spyderdyne t1_j66ksnz wrote

Nice! I taught mine PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN!


Connee14 t1_j66ruka wrote

I actually had a classmate in 2nd grade whose dog ate his homework. His mom brought it to class in a Ziploc bag to show the teacher at dropoff.


Academic_Educator_17 t1_j673ovl wrote

Child also learned that sometimes children suffer because of the decisions of their parents.

Edited to remove typo


Icy-Invite-3971 t1_j682bx4 wrote

My Dad cut a tree down from the back yard, brought it into the house and dressed it up with lots of dangling earrings and a long scarf, he then put a bunch of lights on the roof and hung our sox by the fireplace, now he's making us learn these songs we are supposed to sing in the neighbors lawn...


JustCallMeMambo t1_j6jhtuo wrote

I taught my daughter the same lesson, but I did it by molesting her.


UrDaddyNEB t1_j6lqb90 wrote

If i was a teacher and my student said his/her dad ate their homework id automatically believe them bc “the dog ate my work,” excuse is too common. Like what kid what trash his or her dads public image by saying he ate their schoolwork without it being true.