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Avversariocasuale t1_j9hzg8n wrote

I'm dumb. Someone explain ?


AlmostChristmasNow t1_j9i3lui wrote

The Mongolians went through Russia six times because they start in Mongolia, go through Russia to get through Poland, then return through Russia to Mongolia. So every time they come to Poland, they go through Russia twice, and they come three times. 2•3=6. The Polish man hates Russia enough that he’s fine with his country being damaged as long as Russia is attacked twice as much.


Snow_Wonder t1_j9iqfr8 wrote

So, the Poles hate the Russians, Poland is east of Russia, and Mongolia is west of Russia.

For a Mongolian horde to raid Poland, it would have to head west, through Russia, raiding all the way. For the horde to return home, it would have to head east, back through Russia, raiding all the way. Hordes after all have to pillage and raid during their travels to support themselves.


Fearchar t1_j9j0wsc wrote

See Hefty-Purchase's comment. You mixed up "east" and "west" in your first sentence.

However, if you travel far enough east from Russia, you'll hit Poland, and Mongolia is west of some parts of Russia!


technomancing_monkey t1_j9j7z4x wrote

the russian wished that no matter where you were in russia, there was oil underground.

the ukrainian just turned all that oil into a giant bomb by asking the genie to set it on fire.