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Leather-You4318 t1_j9u9ps4 wrote

A guy died and went up to meet St. Peter at the pearly gates. St. Peter says: "We will give you a choice. You can go down to hell and take a look there, and you can take a look here. Then you make your choice, but once it is made, your choice applies for all eternity."

So the guy looks inside Heaven, and all he sees are people sitting on clouds and playing harps. He goes down to Hell, and he sees people playing golf, drinking at the bar, chatting up young ladies at the pool and so on. The Devil says to him: "we'd love to have you on board."

So he goes back to St. Peter and says: I've made my choice. I am going down below. "

"OK," says St. Peter, "off you go."

So the next day he finds himself in hell, where the landscape is all just ash, lit by the glow of volcanoes, and the people screaming as they try to find a place that doesn't burn their feet. So our guy seeks out the devil again.

"What happened to the place that was here yesterday." he says.

"Well," says the devil, "yesterday we were recruiting. Today, you'r hired"


R3D3-1 t1_j9ubos1 wrote

I know that only with "vor der Wahl/ nach der Wahl" (before the election/ after the election), but I like your version too.