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huntandhart t1_ja6e2z3 wrote

If you have to explain both the setup and the punch line from the get go, it’s usually time to rethink the joke.


mrgraff t1_ja6f2m3 wrote

Seriously. At least wait for the inevitable “I don’t get it.” Then again I don’t think I’ve ever seen a joke with salt in the the set up that wasn’t obviously going to include Na in the punchline.


drowned_beliefs t1_ja6fbgz wrote

Salt is NaCl. Na by itself is just sodium.


Ok-Entrepreneur-5067 t1_ja6fqrw wrote

NaCl is A salt that just so happens to be used as common table salt.

Salt is actually just a byproduct of any acid-base reaction; there are many different salts.


0perationFail t1_ja6gw3n wrote

When someone asks you to pass the salt, do you run to the bathroom to grab the magnesium sulfate?