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Satanic_soup_dragon t1_ja322bn wrote

Well crafted. 😄


bigwolf29 OP t1_ja32aon wrote


Although I'll admit it isn't original. I saw it in a joke book a while back that had a bunch of good stuff.


leonscum t1_ja3g58r wrote

Here's another recycle from National Lampoon in the 70's:

What do you call a junkie with no legs on a dolly that steals hubcaps?

A Vietnam vet.


Specialist-Look-7929 t1_ja3jag8 wrote

Or, what's the difference between an onion and a dead hooker?

I cried when I chopped up the onion.


Potential_Bee_7739 t1_ja38p2s wrote

I haven't seen it here yet, and good on you for giving credit where credit is due. I regret that I have only one like to give...


P0L1Z1STENS0HN t1_ja3elq6 wrote

>I haven't seen it here yet,

Oh, a newcomer, welcome!

I remember reading it here at least twice.

It was posted in 2015, 2016, 2018, 2018, 2020, 2020, 2021, and that's just the ones that made it to the first page of results of a quick google search.


TinnyOctopus t1_ja4ubwo wrote

It's obviously due. It's been over a year since the last successful repost!


Potential_Bee_7739 t1_ja3f0uo wrote

Ah, well. It is the only one I haven't seen repeatedly (NOT repeated 😂), and I am new, so you might have something there.


bigwolf29 OP t1_ja39r6a wrote

Yeah, I haven't, either.

Thank you.
