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spiderplex t1_jadg0q0 wrote

Okay, here's a joke about ghosts

There's a big seminar about paranormal activities - the auditorium is full of people & a speaker gets up on stage

"Who here has seen a ghost? Raise your hands" Most of the audience raises a hand

"Okay, who here has had physical contact with a ghost?" Maybe 20 people raise their hands

"Now, who here has had sex with a ghost?" One guy in back raises his hand

"YOU, SIR! Please come up on stage!" The man comes forward and joins the speaker on stage

"Sir, can you please describe to our audience your experience having sex with a ghost"

"OH, I thought you said goat"


Big-End-9824 t1_jadoe1o wrote

Did you hear about the two Gay ghosts? They gave each others the willies.


TooShiftyForYou t1_jae6ctw wrote

My ghost buddy seems sad and depressed lately.

I think he's been going through some things.