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enlitenme t1_je6kohh wrote

Even though I don't want to do it, walking, yoga and weight lifting are slowly changing my life. Walking allows me time to process thoughts. Yoga stretches out those desk job muscles. Weights are a dopamine hit I always feel better for afterwards. My walk is 30-90 minutes, yoga 20-20, and weights 30-45. I choose based on my mood and time.


Vegetable_Front_1838 OP t1_je6qlw2 wrote

I've heard a lot about Yoga benefits so I'll def try that out! Any beginner material you could recommend? Thanks also :)


enlitenme t1_je7owfj wrote

yoga with adrienne on youtube! Any of her 30 day challenges start out slowly and progress, even if you take longer than 30 days to do them all.