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keepthetips t1_jd7uy33 wrote

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Bryan_Mills2020 t1_jd7w5bw wrote

Things always work out in the end. If they aren't worked out yet, you're not at the end yet.


Abeyita t1_jd7wkzq wrote

I regret every decision I make the first month. I just hate change. But after that month things get better. I felt regret when I got my cat, when I left my awful job, when I started my good job, when I started dating my bf. I always regret making changes, but after a while I can enjoy the benefits and I truly enjoy my choices.


appollyon_11 t1_jd81uvu wrote

That is absolutey the worst advice I have ever heard. Firstly everyone and every situation is totally different. Secondly you could have a shitty week for thousand of reasons, it doesn't mean things won't change drastically. Thirdly, advising people that giving up after one week in any situation is a good life tip is completey the reverse. If you give up things before you have barely tried you will have a crap life where you just don't bother. This really is some crap advice.


Outrageous-Floor-100 t1_jd85kvt wrote

I could not disagree with this advice more. I moved away from the city I was born and hated it for the first few months because I had no friends. I eventually made friends and settled in, I consider moving to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I started a new job two years ago and I was incompetent for the first few months. One of my peers I worked closely with (we are around the same age) was very hard to deal with at first, I had no clue how to joke around with him or really even just interact with him in a positive way, I now consider him one of my closest friends.

There’s a learning curve and adjustment period to anything new you will encounter, whether it’s people or a major life change. Just because it feels crappy or uncomfortable at first doesn’t mean it will always be that way. There’s obviously blatant exceptions to this if you are meeting a truly terrible person or starting an awful job where your direct superior is screaming at you during your first week, ect… But just because you had a bad week or interaction with doesn’t mean that’s how it’s going to be forever. Basing any major decision you make off of such a small sample size seems significantly more risky.