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Fun_Amount3063 t1_jeb2h0p wrote

🤦🏻‍♀️ This isn’t a life tip. This is math taught to literal children and you still got it wrong. You never calculate based off of assumed two weeks off.


Servatron5000 t1_jeb3mh1 wrote

Isn't it a rather basic principle to be conservative when making financial estimates? We're not necessarily talking two weeks of vacation, it could be two weeks worth of emergencies and sickness spread throughout the year.


Fun_Amount3063 t1_jeb48wu wrote

All financial decisions in your life that require an official check of your finances with the bank, government, or charity is based on 2080 working hours. Or an average of your last few paychecks.


Servatron5000 t1_jeb5ci6 wrote

I suppose we're talking two different areas of planning. Mine is budgeting, yours is bureaucracy.


Fun_Amount3063 t1_jebtdtr wrote

Do whatever you want. Either way, this isn’t a LPT as it’s grade school math. (I know you’re not OP, stating it anyway since you felt the need to say something)
