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jaro0037 t1_je7ucfg wrote

For me, what finally made a difference during blood draws, injections, etc. was to not hide from it or get embarrassed. I simply tell them that my body reacts in an over the top manner to these things and kind of make a joke out of it. I know it's ridiculous. I know I'll be perfectly fine, but my body still gets the cold sweats, I feel light-headed and dizzy. If they ask how I do with blood draws, for instance, I tell them it depends on the day, but I'll do my best.

About 99% of the time now it's over before the sweat gets too far down my head. I ask for a paper towel to wipe it off, laugh about it, and get the heck out of there.

Another thing that works well for me is to ask them about their day or something and really listen to their answer. If you can focus on learning about them, it distracts your mind enough that it's over before the body has time to react.

I've gone from literally passing out in the past to sitting through regular 3 hour infusions without a problem. If this guy can do it, I know you can too.