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qwertyuiiop145 t1_jbqtpqb wrote

The main thing is being aware when you’re making a judgement that’s unearned. Then, you try to balance it with something more positive.

“That person looks homeless, I bet they’re a lazy drug addict”

—> That person has probably had a very hard life and probably wishes they had the skill and opportunity needed to change their circumstances

“You have to be stupid to end up stuck serving pizza at her age”

—> Not everyone has access to quality education, even if they’re plenty smart enough to succeed

“My friend is such a childish geek, watching kids’ cartoons all the time.”

—>My friend has a harmless hobby and even if it’s unusual, there’s nothing with that

Remember: it’s not your first thoughts that define you, it’s your second thoughts. If you don’t buy into the judgements that spring into your head, they don’t mean anything.


Hidden40001 t1_jbx4sft wrote

I judge but then I remember it’s meaningless to care because it’s just water. It’s all recyclable and it’s impossible for me change any of it.

In the past I’ve tried helping people only to be shunned or refused. When I ask for help it evaporates.

I don’t fucking care about any of you.