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RaveSupreme t1_je6br3r wrote

This is stupid and just teaches people to never be accountable for their own actions. Sometimes a person of authority (mom, boss, cop/security, spouse, ANYBODY really) will yell at you and that’s okay. We all make mistakes that can be fixed. But don’t for a second blame them for your mistake. This is such a nuanced conversation and to treat it as something so black and white shows how naive you are and how little life experience you have


[deleted] t1_je6eenh wrote



Waiting-For-October OP t1_je6g4j5 wrote

It sounds like you know exactly what being mean is lol


[deleted] t1_je6hos3 wrote



Waiting-For-October OP t1_je6ihlv wrote

Maybe you have never experienced this. Maybe you are actually the person who is mean to others. A customer at your work who has a nasty attitude or a clerk at a store with a sarcastic manner to you when you ask a question, maybe when this happens to you, it is called for. Maybe you are the one who is mean for no reason. Maybe you are actually a Karen and don’t realize it?


Waiting-For-October OP t1_je6g0od wrote

That isn’t mean (well your comment is lol) when your boss scolds you for being late for the 18th time that isn’t mean. When your co-worker makes a nasty comment about your hair, that is mean.