Submitted by DOVAHDAEDRICBORN t3_11owjsk in LifeProTips

Does it look bad If just quit my new job for another job with out 2 weeks notice?

I just got a new job that I hate? If I apply to a new job, can I just say I can start tommarow? I don't want to give a 2 weeks notice, I want to leave asap. But then again would interviewer suspect of me of not being trustable/good worker? Should I say I'm employed or not? And should I say I recently just starting working there this week?



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ahewc11 t1_jbuxqor wrote

At the end of the day, all you really have is your reputation.

Yes, give the two weeks.

You never know how your actions will follow you.


Yodelehhehe t1_jbwn516 wrote

Took way to long to scroll to get to the correct answer. It costs you two weeks to do the courteous thing that doesn’t burn a bridge. You never know who you might need or work with again down the line, even if it’s not back with the company/job you hate.


RlCKJAMESBlTCH t1_jbuufpj wrote

There is no obligation to give any notice if you do not have a written employment agreement that requires it (which i assume you do not have)


DOVAHDAEDRICBORN OP t1_jbuumff wrote

Yes I wasn't told anything by word. I am just not trying to look as if I'm irresponsible.


NYSenseOfHumor t1_jbuv1vt wrote

>Does it look bad If just quit my new job for another job with out 2 weeks notice?

Look bad to who and do you care?

>But then again would interviewer suspect of me of not being trustable/good worker?

Say you can work out a mutually agreeable start date.

>And should I say I recently just starting working there this week?



Amstaffsrule t1_jbvlbtp wrote

I would work the two week notice. You never know who knows whom, and I wouldn't want to burn any bridges.


keepthetips t1_jbuu5qw wrote

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healingstateofmind t1_jbvckcr wrote

The answer depends on whether you think you're going to use the employer for anything in the future. Then, is that something worth delaying your new job?

Given that you just started, the answer to both questions is probably no.

Often, when you give two weeks notice companies will set your hours scheduled to zero or fire you on the spot. YMMV


veggeroni t1_jbvshi7 wrote

When I offer people a position, I completely understand if they need to give a 2 week notice. However, if they choose not to, it's completely understandable because they must have a good reason for leaving otherwise they wouldn't interview.


The-Unkindness t1_jbvy35u wrote

Depends what you do.

If you're a burger flipper, no one cares.

If you work in my industry, it would set you back in the long term dramatically.

In fact the Great Resignation of 21/22 has had a lot of negative effects on certain workers. Because many quickly jumped around chasing money instead of good jobs, and now companies like mine won't touch them. So they're stuck either at shitty companies or taking pay cuts to try and reestablish their reputation.

But a server? Or if you work in retail? No one will care what you do.


crushv50 t1_jbw3mvo wrote

If you can afford it consider not giving notice but saying you can't start for a few days. Vaction/ppo is often and joke and it's a chance to have some personal time. It's doubtful they will mind or even notice. Just be there on time the first day you say you will be able to work.


Feeling_Ad9540 t1_jbwjj0w wrote

You said you just started this job? I assume you are still in the training phase? I would offer to stay a few days just to be polite. In reality, they probably don't want your two weeks of you're still in training. Employer wouldn't want to invest in someone leaving.


Mysterious_Fennel_18 t1_jbxuntw wrote

Depends on the job. I can’t get ready for a new hire ASAP, HR and IT need the lead time, so two weeks isn’t just the old time.


SpiritualGap3255 t1_jbuyw2h wrote

You could just give notice and then get a doctor to sign you off on stress leave for the last 2 weeks. Just tell them that the hon w as killing you and you need out, they'll give you a generic note and job literally done. Now start with your new employer, no law says you can't work two jobs.