Submitted by threestakz t3_11u4bb7 in LifeProTips

I have to choose between 3pm 11pm shift or 11 pm - 7 am , looking for advice on what shift to choose , it’s Monday thru Friday and I have a pretty active social life



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Legitimate_Phrase_41 t1_jcmblp3 wrote

3rd shift is extremely hard on your body and mind. Some people love it but I always found myself wanting to sleep all the time. 2nd shift is the party shift...


threestakz OP t1_jcn0cnc wrote

Party shift?


mxrx_16 t1_jcnxs9n wrote

I'm assuming it means that this shift is great for going partying straight after work You'll party, head home and sleep and then go to work again. So you're basically just partying and working


dilligaf6304 t1_jcmb7ni wrote

3-11pm so it’s less likely to screw up your sleep cycle for your days off.


Amstaffsrule t1_jcmyis8 wrote

11-7. If you're a night owl, it's just great.


jiminy_cricks t1_jcmbgn5 wrote

Depends on the kind of social life, the meet your friends at the bar after you get out of work, or the hang out with them before you go to work kind.

3-11 is really tough on the social life but leaves time to get 8 hours of sleep and do things during the day before work, line Dr appointments or whatever. This also keeps a relatively normal sleep schedule, 12 or 1 to 8 or 9 am.

11-7 makes it easier to hang out with people before work but is hell on your sleep schedule and forces you to risk sacrificing sleep for daytime appointments or activities. Not everyone can adjust to getting good sleep during the day.

On a side note I did 7pm - 7am for a little over a year and it took just as long if not longer to fully readjust to a day shift schedule. My sleep was screwed for ages.


twohedwlf t1_jcmd9a9 wrote

3pm-11pm is the absolute worst shift, imo. Any time you might want to do something with friends, Nope, working.

At least night shift you can be up in the afternoon/evening, go do stuff, go to work afterwards.


DonceKebabas t1_jcmztr3 wrote

I've always been a 2nd shift kind of person. Sleep and having the house to myself was amazing. It's a really nice schedule for focusing on yourself. It does mess with your social life during the week. Dating is kinda difficult.

When I did 3rd shift, I couldn't fall asleep right after work, so I'd only fall asleep around 9 or 10 am. It was tough adjusting to it, and occasionally there was something going on outside or in the house during the day that would wake me up.

Take in consideration what's going on at your place during the morning and day. 3rd shift was much easier to manage when I was in my early 20s


nevertoolate2 t1_jcnjkq9 wrote

Personally loved both. Really loved 2nd because I could go out for late dinner and drinks and not worry about waking up the next day.


Sufficient-Painter-4 t1_jcnpof1 wrote

I would personally go with the 3pm - 11pm. It gives me enough time to sleep before needing to come into work and there is still plenty of time to do the things that I want to. On top of that, I wouldn't have to worry about traffic going to and from work. If you're into partying there is always the option to go out after your shift ends. Some things for you to consider.


Bryan_Mills2020 t1_jcp2pkf wrote

Second shift is awful if you are a parent. You'll only see your kids on weekends or during the summer months.


dgstan t1_jcsn48n wrote

Second shift allows you to live a semi-normal life. You sleep the same time everyone else does. Plus, you can go to the beach all day.

I worked second shift for years.


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